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Version vom 30. März 2013, 02:58 Uhr von Krim (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Whats this?

This is a sample configuration for any brautec/bukkitforge/tec server (maybe tekkit (lite), too, but not completly) which you can use to make this plugin work flawlessly with these types of servers. This will set the Interact Block to the Forestry Stamp Collector.

    Type: mySQL
      Name: SQL_TABLE
      Table: mct
        Port: '3306'
        Username: SQL_USERNAME
        Password: SQL_PASSWORD
  useMaps: 0
  fee: 0
  lang: de
  brautec: 1
  bukkitforge: 1
  useEnderChests: 1
  useEnderChestsForTransaction: 0
  interactBlock: 1415
  interactBlockSub: 7
  worlds: overworld,testmap
  Stone: '1'
  Grass: '31:1'
  Dirt: '3'
  Cobbelstone: '4'
  Oak Wood Plank: '5'
  Spruce Wood Plank: '5:1'
  Birch Wood Plank: '5:2'
  Jungle Wood Plank: '5:3'
  Oak Sapling: '6'
  Spruce Sapling: '6:1'
  Birch Sapling: '6:2'
  Jungel Sapling: '6:3'
  Bedrock: '7'
  Sand: '12'
  Gravel: '13'
  Gold Ore: '14'
  Iron Ore: '15'
  Coal Ore: '16'
  Oak Wood: '17'
  Spruce Wood: '17:1'
  Birch Wood: '17:2'
  Jungle Wood: '17:3'
  Oak Leaves: '18'
  Spruce Leaves: '18:1'
  Birch Leaves: '18:2'
  Jungle Leaves: '18:3'
  Sponge: '19'
  Glass: '20'
  Lapis Lazuli Ore: '21'
  Lapis Lazuli Block: '22'
  Dispenser: '23'
  Sandstone: '24'
  Chiseled Sandstone: '24:1'
  Smooth Sandstone: '24:2'
  Noteblock: '25'
  Powered Rail: '27'
  Detector Rail: '28'
  Sticky Piston: '29'
  Cobweb: '30'
  Fern: '31:2'
  Dead Bush: '32'
  Piston: '33'
  Wool: '35'
  Orange Wool: '35:1'
  Mangenta Wool: '35:2'
  Light Blue Wool: '35:3'
  Yellow Wool: '35:4'
  Lime Wool: '35:5'
  Pink Wool: '35:6'
  Gray Wool: '35:7'
  Light Gray Wool: '35:8'
  Cyan Wool: '35:9'
  Purple Wool: '35:10'
  Blue Wool: '35:11'
  Brown Wool: '35:12'
  Green Wool: '35:13'
  Red Wool: '35:14'
  Black Wool: '35:15'
  Flower: '37'
  Rose: '38'
  Mushroom: '100'
  Block of Gold: '41'
  Block of Iron: '42'
  Stone Slab: '44'
  Sandstone Slab: '44:1'
  Cobbelstone Slab: '44:3'
  Bricks Slab: '44:4'
  Stone Bricks Slab: '44:5'
  Nether Brick Slab: '44:6'
  Bricks: '45'
  TNT: '46'
  Bookshelf: '47'
  Moss Stone: '48'
  Obsidian: '49'
  Torch: '50'
  Oak Wood Stairs: '53'
  Chest: '54'
  Diamond Ore: '56'
  Block of Diamond: '57'
  Crafting Table: '58'
  Farmland: '60'
  Furnance: '61'
  Ladder: '65'
  Rail: '66'
  Stone Stairs: '67'
  Lever: '69'
  Pressure Plate: '71'
  Redstone Ore: '73'
  Redstone Torch: '70'
  Button: '143'
  Snow: '80'
  Ice: '79'
  Cactus: '81'
  Clay: '337'
  Jukebox: '84'
  Fence: '85'
  Pumpkin: '86'
  Netherrack: '87'
  Soul Sand: '88'
  Glowstone: '89'
  Jack o Lantern: '91'
  Cake: '354'
  Trapdoor: '96'
  Silverfish Stone: '97'
  Cobblestone Monster Egg: '97:1'
  Stone Brick Monster Egg: '97:2'
  Stone Bricks: '98'
  Mossy Stone Bricks: '98:1'
  Cracked Stone Bricks: '98:2'
  Chiseled Stone Bricks: '98:3'
  Iron Bars: '101'
  Glass Pane: '102'
  Melon: '360'
  Vines: '106'
  Brick Stairs: '108'
  Stone Brick Stairs: '109'
  Mycelium: '110'
  Lily Pad: '111'
  Nether Brick: '112'
  Nether Brick Fence: '113'
  Nether Brick Stairs: '114'
  Enchantment Table: '116'
  End Portal Frame: '120'
  End Stone: '121'
  Dragon Egg: '122'
  Redstone Lamp: '123'
  Oak Wood Slab: '126'
  Spruce Wood Slab: '126:1'
  Birch Wood Slab: '126:2'
  Jungle Wood Slab: '126:3'
  Sandstone Stairs: '128'
  Emerald Ore: '129'
  Tripwire Hook: '131'
  Block of Emerald: '133'
  Spruce Wood Stairs: '134'
  Birch Wood Stairs: '135'
  Jungle Wood Stairs: '136'
  Beacon: '138'
  Cobbelstone Wall: '139'
  Mossy Cobbelstone Wall: '139:1'
  Anvil: '145'
  Slightly Damaged Anvil: '145:1'
  Very Damaged Anvil: '145:2'
  Bathroom Cupboard: '146'
  Bathroom Sink: '146:4'
  Kitchen Sink: '146:8'
  Toilet: '146:12'
  Fridge: '147'
  Freezer: '147:4'
  Cooker: '147:8'
  Rubbish Bin: '147:12'
  Coffee Table: '147:13'
  Dishwasher: '148'
  Washing Machine: '148:4'
  Mining Well: '150'
  Mining Pipe: '245'
  Autocrafting Table: '152'
  Quarry: '153'
  Land Mark: '154'
  Filler: '155'
  Builder: '157'
  Architect Table: '158'
  Frame: '160'
  Redstone Engine: '161'
  Stirling Engine: '161:1'
  Combustion Engine: '161:2'
  Oil: '163'
  Pump: '764:1'
  Tank: '165'
  Refinery: '167'
  Blueprint Library: '168'
  Laser: '169'
  Assembly Table: '170'
  Advanced Crafting Table: '170:1'
  Path Marker: '171'
  Hopper: '172'
  Chicken Head: '173'
  Cow Head: '173:4'
  Creeper Head: '397:4'
  Enderdragon Head: '173:12'
  Steve Head: '174'
  Wolf Head: '174:4'
  Zombie Head: '397:2'
  Squid Head: '174:12'
  Pig Head: '175'
  Sheep Head: '175:4'
  Skeleton Head: '175:8'
  Spider Head: '175:12'
  Roofing: '176'
  Enderman Head: '177'
  Slime Head: '177:4'
  Blaze Head: '177:8'
  Zombie Pig Head: '177:12'
  Chimney: '178'
  Mantle Piece: '178:4'
  Light: '179'
  Outdoor Lamp: '179:4'
  Table Lamp: '179:8'
  Iron Chest: '181'
  Gold Chest: '181:1'
  Diamond Chest: '181:2'
  Copper Chest: '181:3'
  Silver Chest: '181:4'
  Crystal Chest: '181:5'
  Low Voltage Solar Array: '183'
  Medium Voltage Solar Array: '183:1'
  High Voltage Solar Array: '183:2'
  Rotary Macerator: '188'
  Singularity Compressor: '188:1'
  Centrifuge Extractor: '188:2'
  Sofa Part (Center): '190:12'
  Sofa Part (Corner): '191:12'
  Thermal Monitor: '192'
  Industrial Alarm: '192:1'
  Howler Alarm: '192:2'
  Remote Thermal Monitor: '192:3'
  Industrial Information Panel: '192:4'
  Information Panel Extender: '192:5'
  Energy Counter: '192:6'
  Average Counter: '192:7'
  Range Trigger: '192:8'
  Sofa Part (Left): '193:12'
  Silver Block: '754:3'
  Tin Block: '754:4'
  Copper Block: '754:5'
  Nikolite Block: '194:3'
  Coal Block: '194:4'
  Redstone Block: '194:5'
  Blue Alloy Block: '194:6'
  Red Alloy Block: '194:7'
  Brass Block: '194:8'
  Charcoal Block: '194:9'
  Sofa Part (Right): '195:12'
  Clock Base: '196'
  Clock Middle: '196:1'
  Clock Top: '196:5'
  Blinds: '196:9'
  Crafting Side: '196:13'
  Kitchen Side: '196:14'
  Table: '196:15'
  Chair: '197'
  Radio: '197:4'
  Kitchen Cupboard: '198'
  'Kitchen Cupboard (Shelf) ': '198:4'
  Television: '198:8'
  Basket: '198:15'
  Bookstand: '200'
  Writing Desk: '8859'
  Black Decay: '202'
  Crystal: '203'
  Bath: '204'
  Link Portal: '205'
  Book Receptacle: '206'
  Computer: '207'
  Advanced Computer: 207:16384
  Disk Drive: '761:2'
  Wireless Modem: '208:1'
  Monitor: '761'
  Printer: '208:3'
  Advanced Monitor: '204:4'
  Turtle: '210'
  Mining Turtle: '210:5'
  Wireless Turtle: '210:1'
  Wireless Mining Turtle: '209:3'
  Crafty Turtle: '210:2'
  Melee Turtle: '210:3'
  Digging Turtle: '210:4'
  Felling Turtle: '210:6'
  Farming Turtle: '210:7'
  Arm Chair: '213'
  Iron Scaffold: '216'
  Crop: '218'
  Luminator: '226'
  Scaffold: '220'
  Construction Foam: '222'
  Teleporter: '223'
  Tesla Coil: '223:1'
  Crop-Matron: '223:2'
  Bronze Block: '224:2'
  Uranium Block: '224:3'
  Personal Safe: '225'
  Trade-O-Mat: '225:1'
  Energy-O-Mat: '225:2'
  BatBox: '227'
  MFE: '227:1'
  MFSU: '227:2'
  LV-Transformer: '227:3'
  MV-Transformer: '227:4'
  HV-Transformer: '227:5'
  Reinforced Glass: '230'
  Reinforced Stone: '231'
  Iron Fence: '232'
  Reactor Chamber: '233'
  Rubber Sheet: '234'
  Nuke: '237'
  Wireless Receiver: '238'
  Wireless Transmitter: 238:256
  Wireless Jammer: 238:512
  Industrial TNT: '239'
  Rubber Tree Sapling: '241'
  Leaves: '249'
  Rubber Wood: '3122'
  Generator: '246'
  Geothermal Generator: '246:1'
  Water Mill: '246:2'
  Solar Panel: '31998:44'
  Wind Mill: '246:4'
  Nuclear Reactor: '246:5'
  Uranium Ore: '30243'
  Rubberwood: '248'
  Machine Block: '250'
  Iron Furnace: '250:1'
  Electric Furnace: '250:2'
  Macerartor: '250:3'
  Extractor: '250:4'
  Compressor: '250:5'
  Canning Machine: '250:6'
  Miner: '250:7'
  Magnetizer: '250:9'
  Electrolycer: '250:10'
  Recycler: '250:11'
  Advanced Machine Block: '250:12'
  Induction Furnace: '250:13'
  Mass Fabricator: '250:14'
  Terraformer: '250:15'
  Ender Chest: '251'
  Indigo Flower: '253'
  Ruby Ore: '3204:3'
  Marble: '255'
  Basalt: '255:1'
  Marble Brick: '255:2'
  Basalt Cobblestone: '255:3'
  Basalt Brick: '255:4'
  Chiseled Basalt Brick: '255:5'
  Basalt Paver: '255:6'
  Iron Shovel: '256'
  Iron Pickaxe: '257'
  Iron Axe: '258'
  Flint and Steel: '259'
  Apple: '260'
  Bow: '261'
  Arrow: '262'
  Coal: '30225'
  Charcoal: '263:1'
  Diamond: '264'
  Iron Ingot: '265'
  Gold Ingot: '266'
  Iron Sword: '267'
  Wooden Sword: '268'
  Wooden Shovel: '269'
  Wooden Pickaxe: '270'
  Wooden Axe: '271'
  Stone Sword: '272'
  Stone Shovel: '273'
  Stone Pickaxe: '274'
  Stone Axe: '275'
  Diamond Sword: '276'
  Diamond Shovel: '277'
  Diamond Pickaxe: '278'
  Diamond Axe: '279'
  Stick: '280'
  Bowl: '281'
  Mushroom Stew: '282'
  Golden Sword: '283'
  Golden Shovel: '284'
  Golden Pickaxe: '285'
  Golden Axe: '286'
  String: '287'
  Feather: '288'
  Gunpowder: '289'
  Wooden Hoe: '290'
  Stone Hoe: '291'
  Iron Hoe: '292'
  Diamond Hoe: '293'
  Golden Hoe: '294'
  Seeds: '295'
  Wheat: '296'
  Bread: '297'
  Leather Cap: '298'
  Leather Tunic: '299'
  Leather Pants: '300'
  Leather Boots: '301'
  Chain Helmet: '302'
  Chain Chestplate: '303'
  Chain Leggings: '304'
  Chain Boots: '305'
  Iron Helmet: '306'
  Iron Chestplate: '307'
  Iron Leggings: '308'
  Iron Boots: '309'
  Diamond Helmet: '310'
  Diamond Chestplate: '311'
  Diamond Leggings: '312'
  Diamond Boots: '313'
  Golden Helmet: '314'
  Golden Chestplate: '315'
  Golden Leggings: '316'
  Golden Boots: '317'
  Flint: '318'
  Raw Porkchop: '319'
  Cooked Porkchop: '320'
  Painting: '321'
  Golden Apple: '322'
  Sign: '323'
  Wooden Door: '324'
  Bucket: '325'
  Water Bucket: '326'
  Lava Bucket: '327'
  Minecart: '328'
  Saddle: '329'
  Iron Door: '330'
  Redstone: '331'
  Snowball: '332'
  Boat: '333'
  Leather: '334'
  Milk: '12244'
  Brick: '336'
  Sugar Canes: '338'
  Paper: '339'
  Book: '340'
  Slimeball: '341'
  Minecart with Chest: '342'
  Minecart with Furnace: '343'
  Egg: '344'
  Compass: '345'
  Fishing Rod: '346'
  Clock: '347'
  Glowstone Dust: '348'
  Raw Fish: '349'
  Cooked Fish: '350'
  Ink Sac: '351'
  Rose Red: '351:1'
  Cactus Green: '351:2'
  Cocoa Beans: '351:3'
  Lapis Lazuli: '351:4'
  Purple Dye: '351:5'
  Cyan Dye: '351:6'
  Light Gray Dye: '351:7'
  Gray Dye: '30161'
  Pink Dye: '30160'
  Lime Dye: '30159'
  Dandelion Yellow: '351:11'
  Light Blue Dye: '351:12'
  Magenta Dye: '351:13'
  Orange Dye: '351:14'
  Bone Meal: '351:15'
  Bone: '352'
  Sugar: '353'
  Bed: '355'
  Redstone Repeater: '356'
  Cookie: '357'
  'Map #0': '358'
  Shears: '359'
  Pumpkin Seeds: '361'
  Melon Seeds: '362'
  Raw Beef: '363'
  Steak: '364'
  Raw Chicken: '365'
  Cooked Chicken: '366'
  Rotten Flesh: '367'
  Ender Pearl: '368'
  Blaze Rod: '369'
  Ghast Tear: '370'
  Gold Nugget: '371'
  Nether Wart: '372'
  Water Bottle: '373'
  Awkward Potion: '373:16'
  Thick Potion: '373:32'
  Mundane Potion: 373:16384
  Potion of Regeneration: 373:16369
  Potion of Swiftness: 373:16370
  Potion of Fire Resistance: 373:8259
  Potion of Poison: 373:16372
  Potion of Healing: 373:8197
  Potion of Night Vision: 373:8262
  Potion of Weakness: 373:8264
  Potion Strength: 373:8201
  Potion of Slowness: 373:8266
  Potion of Harming: 373:8236
  Potion of Invisibility: 373:8270
  Poison of Healing: 373:8229
  Poison of Strength: 373:8233
  Potion of Strength: 373:16377
  Splash Potion of Regeneration: 373:32753
  Splash Potion of Swiftness: 373:32754
  Splash Potion of Fire Resistance: 373:16451
  Splash Potion of Poison: 373:32756
  Splash Potion of Healing: 373:16421
  Splash Potion of Night Vision: 373:16454
  Splash Potion of Weakness: 373:16456
  Splash Potion of Strength: 373:32761
  Splash Potion of Slowness: 373:16458
  Splash Potion of Harming: 373:16428
  Splash Potion of Invisibility: 373:16462
  Glass Bottle: '374'
  Spider Eye: '375'
  Fermented Spider Eye: '376'
  Blaze Powder: '377'
  Magma Cream: '378'
  Brewing Stand: '379'
  Cauldron: '380'
  Eye of Ender: '381'
  Glistering Melon: '382'
  Spawn Creeper: '383:50'
  Spawn Skeleton: '383:51'
  Spawn Spider: '383:52'
  Spawn Zombie: '383:54'
  Spawn Slime: '383:55'
  Spawn Ghast: '383:56'
  Spawn Zombie Pigman: '383:57'
  Spawn Enderman: '383:58'
  Spawn Cave Spider: '383:59'
  Spawn Silverfish: 383:60
  Spawn Blaze: 383:61
  Spawn Magma Cube: 383:62
  Spawn Bat: 383:65
  Spawn Witch: 383:66
  Spawn Pig: 383:90
  Spawn Sheep: 383:91
  Spawn Cow: 383:92
  Spawn Chicken: 383:93
  Spawn Squid: 383:94
  Spawn Wolf: 383:95
  Spawn Mooshroom: 383:96
  Spawn Golem: 383:97
  Spawn Ocelot: 383:98
  Spawn Iron Golem: 383:99
  Spawn Villager: 383:120
  Bottle o Enchanting: '384'
  Fire Charge: '385'
  Book and Quill: '386'
  Written Book: '387'
  Emerald: '388'
  Item Frame: '389'
  Flower Pot: '390'
  Carrot: '391'
  Potato: '392'
  Baked Potato: '393'
  Poisonous Potato: '394'
  Empty Map: '395'
  Golden Carrot: '396'
  Skeleton Skull: '397'
  Wither Skeleton Skull: '397:1'
  Head: '397:3'
  Carrot on a Stick: '398'
  Nether Star: '399'
  Pumpkin Pie: '400'
  Firework Rocket: '401'
  Firework Star: '402'
  Enchanted Book: '403'
  Cargo manager: '541'
  Cart assembler: '542'
  Junction rail: '543'
  Advanced detector rail: '544'
  Module Toggler: '545'
  Cargo Distributor: '546'
  Detector Manager: '547'
  MFFS Capacitor: '680'
  MFFS Defence Station: '681'
  MFFS Extractor: '683'
  MFFS Security Storage: '684'
  MFFS Projector: '685'
  MFFS Security Station: '686'
  MFFS Converter: '687'
  Monazit Ore: '688'
  MFFS Control System: '690'
  Alloy Funnace: '751'
  Project Table: '751:3'
  Blulectric Furnace: '751:1'
  Buffer: '4092'
  Blulectric Alloy Furnace: '751:4'
  Charging Bench: '751:5'
  Timer: '753'
  Sequencer: '753:1'
  State Cell: '753:2'
  RS Latch: 753:256
  NOR Gate: 753:257
  OR Gate: 753:258
  NAND Gate: 753:259
  AND Gate: 753:260
  XNOR Gate: 753:261
  XOR Gate: 753:262
  Pulse Former: 753:263
  Toggle Latch: 753:264
  NOT Gate: 753:265
  Buffer Gate: 753:266
  Multiplexer: 753:267
  Repeater: 753:268
  Synchronizer: 753:269
  Randomizer: 753:270
  Transparent Latch: 753:271
  Light Sensor: 753:272
  Null Cell: 753:512
  Invert Cell: 753:513
  Non-Invert Cell: 753:514
  Counter: 753:768
  Bus Transceiver: 753:1024
  Ruby Block: '754'
  Green Sapphire Block: '754:1'
  Sapphire Block: '754:2'
  White Lamp: '757'
  Orange Lamp: '757:1'
  Magenta Lamp: '757:2'
  Light Blue Lamp: '757:3'
  Yellow Lamp: '757:4'
  Lime Lamp: '757:5'
  Pink Lamp: '757:6'
  Gray Lamp: '757:7'
  Light Gray Lamp: '757:8'
  Cyan Lamp: '757:9'
  Purple Lamp: '757:10'
  Blue Lamp: '757:11'
  Brown Lamp: '757:12'
  Green Lamp: '757:13'
  Red Lamp: '757:14'
  Black Lamp: '757:15'
  Inverted White Lamp: '758'
  Inverted Orange Lamp: '758:1'
  Inverted Magenta Lamp: '758:2'
  Inverted Light Blue Lamp: '758:3'
  Inverted Yellow Lamp: '758:4'
  Inverted Lime Lamp: '758:5'
  Inverted Pink Lamp: '758:6'
  Inverted Gray Lamp: '758:7'
  Inverted Light Gray Lamp: '758:8'
  Inverted Cyan Lamp: '758:9'
  Inverted Purple Lamp: '758:10'
  Inverted Blue Lamp: '758:11'
  Inverted Brown Lamp: '758:12'
  Inverted Green Lamp: '758:13'
  Inverted Red Lamp: '758:14'
  Inverted Black Lamp: '758:15'
  Central Processing Unit: '761:1'
  IO Expander: '762'
  Deployer: '763'
  Block Breaker: '3120:7'
  Transposer: '763:2'
  Filter: '763:3'
  Item Detector: '763:4'
  Sorting Machine: '763:5'
  Battery Box: '763:6'
  Frame Motor: '763:7'
  Retriever: '763:8'
  Kinetic Generator: '763:9'
  Regulator: '763:10'
  Thermopile: '763:11'
  Igniter: '763:12'
  Assembler: '763:13'
  Ejector: '19287'
  Relay: '8836'
  Accelerator: '764:2'
  Grate: '764:3'
  Voltage Transformer: '764:4'
  Support Frame: '765'
  Tube Frame: '765:2'
  Redstone Tube Frame: '765:3'
  Sortron: '766'
  Manager: '766:1'
  Blulectric Engine: '767'
  White Fixture: '768'
  Orange Fixture: '768:1'
  Magenta Fixture: '768:2'
  Light Blue Fixture: '768:3'
  Yellow Fixture: '768:4'
  Lime Fixture: '768:5'
  Pink Fixture: '768:6'
  Gray Fixture: '768:7'
  Light Gray Fixture: '768:8'
  Cyan Fixture: '768:9'
  Purple Fixture: '768:10'
  Blue Fixture: '768:11'
  Brown Fixture: '768:12'
  Green Fixture: '768:13'
  Red Fixture: '768:14'
  Black Fixture: '768:15'
  Inverted White Fixture: '768:16'
  Inverted Orange Fixture: '768:17'
  Inverted Magenta Fixture: '768:18'
  Inverted Light Blue Fixture: '768:19'
  Inverted Yellow Fixture: '768:20'
  Inverted Lime Fixture: '768:21'
  Inverted Pink Fixture: '768:22'
  Inverted Gray Fixture: '768:23'
  Inverted Light Gray Fixture: '768:24'
  Inverted Cyan Fixture: '768:25'
  Inverted Purple Fixture: '768:26'
  Inverted Blue Fixture: '768:27'
  Inverted Brown Fixture: '768:28'
  Inverted Green Fixture: '768:29'
  Inverted Red Fixture: '768:30'
  Inverted Black Fixture: '768:31'
  White Cage Lamp: '768:32'
  Orange Cage Lamp: '768:33'
  Magenta Cage Lamp: '768:34'
  Light Blue Cage Lamp: '768:35'
  Yellow Cage Lamp: '768:36'
  Lime Cage Lamp: '768:37'
  Pink Cage Lamp: '768:38'
  Gray Cage Lamp: '768:39'
  Light Gray Cage Lamp: '768:40'
  Cyan Cage Lamp: '768:41'
  Purple Cage Lamp: '768:42'
  Blue Cage Lamp: '768:43'
  Brown Cage Lamp: '768:44'
  Green Cage Lamp: '768:45'
  Red Cage Lamp: '768:46'
  Black Cage Lamp: '768:47'
  Inverted White Cage Lamp: '768:48'
  Inverted Orange Cage Lamp: '768:49'
  Inverted Magenta Cage Lamp: '768:50'
  Inverted Light Blue Cage Lamp: '768:51'
  Inverted Yellow Cage Lamp: '768:52'
  Inverted Lime Cage Lamp: '768:53'
  Inverted Pink Cage Lamp: '768:54'
  Inverted Gray Cage Lamp: '768:55'
  Inverted Light Gray Cage Lamp: '768:56'
  Inverted Cyan Cage Lamp: '768:57'
  Inverted Purple Cage Lamp: '768:58'
  Inverted Blue Cage Lamp: '768:59'
  Inverted Brown Cage Lamp: 768:60
  Inverted Green Cage Lamp: 768:61
  Inverted Red Cage Lamp: 768:62
  Inverted Black Cage Lamp: 768:63
  Soldering Station: '1101'
  Logistics Power Junction: '1101:1'
  Candle: '1378'
  Candle Stump: '1379'
  Larch Wood Planks: '1380'
  Teak Wood Planks: '1380:1'
  Acacia Wood Planks: '1380:2'
  Lime Wood Planks: '1380:3'
  Chestnut Wood Planks: '1380:4'
  Wenge Wood Planks: '1380:5'
  Baobab Wood Planks: '1380:6'
  Sequoia Wood Planks: '1380:7'
  Kapok Wood Planks: '1380:8'
  Ebony Wood Planks: '1380:9'
  Mahogany Wood Planks: '1380:10'
  Balsa Wood Planks: '1380:11'
  Willow Wood Planks: '1380:12'
  Walnut Wood Planks: '1380:13'
  Greenheart Wood Planks: '1380:14'
  Cherry Wood Planks: '1380:15'
  Larch Wood Slab: '1386'
  Teak Wood Slab: '1386:1'
  Acacia Wood Slab: '1386:2'
  Lime Wood Slab: '1386:3'
  Chestnut Wood Slab: '1386:4'
  Wenge Wood Slab: '1386:5'
  Baobab Wood Slab: '1386:6'
  Sequioa Wood Slab: '1386:7'
  Kapok Wood Slab: '1387'
  Ebony Wood Slab: '1387:1'
  Mahagony Wood Slab: '1387:2'
  Balsa Wood Slab: '1387:3'
  Willow Wood Slab: '1387:4'
  Walnut Wood Slab: '1387:5'
  Greenheart Wood Slab: '1387:6'
  Cherry Wood Slab: '1387:7'
  Larch Wood: '1388'
  Teak Wood: '1388:1'
  Acacia Wood: '1388:2'
  Lime Wood: '1388:3'
  Chestnut Wood: '1389'
  Wenge Wood: '1389:1'
  Baobab Wood: '1389:2'
  Sequoia Wood: '1389:3'
  Kapok Wood: '1390'
  Ebony Wood: '1390:1'
  Mahogany Wood: '1390:2'
  Balsa Wood: '1390:3'
  Willow Wood: '1391'
  Walnut Wood: '1391:1'
  Greenheart Wood: '1391:2'
  Cherry Wood: '1391:3'
  Larch Fence: '1394'
  Teak Fence: '1394:1'
  Acacia Fence: '1394:2'
  Lime Fence: '1394:3'
  Chestnut Fence: '1394:4'
  Wenge Fence: '1394:5'
  Baobab Fence: '1394:6'
  Sequoia Fence: '1394:7'
  Kapok Fence: '1394:8'
  Ebony Fence: '1394:9'
  Mahogany Fence: '1394:10'
  Balsa Fence: '1394:11'
  Willow Fence: '1394:12'
  Walnut Fence: '1394:13'
  Greenheart Fence: '1394:14'
  Cherry Fence: '1394:15'
  Farm Block: '1395'
  Farm Gearbox: '1395:2'
  Farm Hatch: '1395:3'
  Farm Valve: '1395:4'
  Farm Control: '1395:5'
  Larch Stairs: '1396'
  Teak Stairs: '1396'
  Acacia Stairs: '1396'
  Lime Stairs: '1396'
  Chestnut Stairs: '1396'
  Wenge Stairs: '1396'
  Baobab Stairs: '1396'
  Sequoia Stairs: '1396'
  Kapok Stairs: '1396'
  Ebony Stairs: '1396'
  Mahogany Stairs: '1396'
  Balsa Stairs: '1396'
  Willow Stairs: '1396'
  Walnut Stairs: '1396'
  Greenheart Stairs: '1396'
  Cherry Stairs: '1396'
  Fermenter: '1414'
  Still: '1414:1'
  Bottler: '1414:2'
  Raintank: '1414:3'
  Bio Generator: '1414:4'
  Carpenter: '1414:5'
  Moistener: '1414:6'
  Apiary: '1414:7'
  Centrifuge: '1414:8'
  Squeezer: '1414:9'
  Thermionic Fabricator: '1414:11'
  Forester: '1415'
  Rainmaker: '1415:1'
  Treetap: '1415:2'
  Apiarists Chest: '1415:3'
  Analyzer: '1415:4'
  Mailbox: '1415:5'
  Trade Station: '1415:6'
  Stamp Collector: '1415:7'
  Unnamed: '9267'
  Copper Ore: '4094:1'
  Tin Ore: '4094:2'
  Silver Ore: '2052'
  Lead Ore: '2001:3'
  Ferrous Ore: '2001:4'
  Powered Furnace: '2002'
  Pulverizer: '2002:1'
  Sawmill: '2002:2'
  Induction Smelter: '2002:3'
  Magma Crucible: '2002:4'
  Liquid Transposer: '2002:5'
  Glacial Precipitator: '2002:6'
  Igneous Extruder: '2002:7'
  Aquesous Accumulator: '2002:8'
  Portable Tank: '2003'
  Steam Engine: '2004'
  Magmatic Engine: '2004:1'
  Redstone Energy Cell: '2005:1'
  Redtsone Energy Conduit: '2006'
  Liquiduct: 2006:4096
  Hardened Glass: '2008'
  White Rockwool: '2009'
  Orange Rockwool: '2009:1'
  Magenta Rockwool: '2009:2'
  Light Blue Rockwool: '2009:3'
  Yellow Rockwool: '2009:4'
  Lime Rockwool: '2009:5'
  Pink Rockwool: '2009:6'
  Gray Rockwool: '2009:7'
  Light Gray Rockwool: '2009:8'
  Cyan Rockwool: '2009:9'
  Purple Rockwool: '2009:10'
  Blue Rockwool: '2009:11'
  Brown Rockwool: '2009:12'
  Green Rockwool: '2009:13'
  Red Rockwool: '2009:14'
  Black Rockwool: '2009:15'
  Barrel: '2050:5'
  Craftpacket Maker: '2050:2'
  Craftpacket Stamper: '2050:3'
  Packager: '2050:8'
  Slag Furnace: '2050:11'
  Router: '2050'
  Wrathlamp: '2050:6'
  Battery Block: '19289'
  Solar Turbine: '2050:13'
  Reflective Mirror: '19286'
  Furnace Heater: '2050:15'
  Lead Wire: '2050:14'
  Grinder: '3120:13'
  Mixer: '2050:18'
  Crystallizer: '2050:19'
  Clay Sculpture: '2050:20'
  Block of Silver: '3200:3'
  Block of Lead: '3201'
  Block of Dark Iron: '2052:3'
  Exo-Modder: '2052:4'
  Forge Lexicon: '2101'
  Music Disc C418 - 13: '2256'
  Music Disc C418 - cat: '2257'
  Music Disc C418 - blocks: '2258'
  Music Disc C418 - chirp: '2259'
  Music Disc C418 - far: '2260'
  Music Disc C418 - mall: '2261'
  Music Disc C418 - mellohi: '2262'
  Music Disc C418 - stal: '2263'
  Music Disc C418 - strad: '2264'
  Music Disc C418 - ward: '2265'
  Music Disc C418 - 11: '2266'
  Music Disc C418 - wait: '2267'
  LV Charging Bench: '2491'
  MV Charging Bench: '2491:1'
  HV Charging Bench: '2491:2'
  Adjustable Emitter: '2491:7'
  LV Battery Station: '2491:8'
  MV Battery Station: '2491:9'
  HV Battery Station: '2491:10'
  Storage Monitor: '2491:11'
  Energy Bridge: '2850'
  Universal Charger: '2850:2'
  BC Consumer: '2851'
  BC Producer: '2851:1'
  IC2 LV Consumer: '2852'
  IC2 LV Producer: '2852:1'
  IC2 MV Consumer: '2852:2'
  IC2 MV Producer: '2852:3'
  IC2 HV Consumer: '2852:4'
  IC2 HV Producer: '2852:5'
  IC2 EV Consumer: '2852:6'
  IC2 EV Producer: '2852:7'
  Steam Consumer: '2853'
  Steam Producer: '2853:1'
  Factorization Consumer: '2855'
  Factorization Producer: '2855:1'
  Planter: '3120'
  Fisher: '3120:1'
  Harvester: '3120:2'
  Rancher: '3120:3'
  Fertilizer: '31997:18'
  Veterinary Station: '3120:5'
  Item Collector: '3120:6'
  Weather Collector: '3120:8'
  Sludge Boiler: '3120:9'
  Sewage Collector: '3120:10'
  Composter: '3120:11'
  Breeder: '3120:12'
  Auto-Enchanter: '3120:14'
  Chronotyper: '3120:15'
  White Conveyor: '3121'
  Orange Conveyor: '3121:1'
  Magenta Conveyor: '3121:2'
  Light Blue Conveyor: '3121:3'
  Yellow Conveyor: '3121:4'
  Lime Conveyor: '3121:5'
  Pink Conveyor: '3121:6'
  Gray Conveyor: '3121:7'
  Light Gray Conveyor: '3121:8'
  Cyan Conveyor: '3121:9'
  Purple Conveyor: '3121:10'
  Blue Conveyor: '3121:11'
  Brown Conveyor: '3121:12'
  Green Conveyor: '3121:13'
  Red Conveyor: '3121:14'
  Black Conveyor: '3121:15'
  Conveyor Belt: '3121:16'
  Rubber Leaves: '3123'
  Rubber Sapling: '3124'
  Cargo Dropoff Rail: '3125'
  Cargo Pickup Rail: '3126'
  Passenger Dropoff Rail: '3127'
  Passenger Pickup Rail: '3128'
  White Stained Glass: '3130'
  Orange Stained Glass: '3130:1'
  Magenta Stained Glass: '3130:2'
  Light Blue Stained Glass: '3130:3'
  Yellow Stained Glass: '3130:4'
  Light Green Stained Glass: '3130:5'
  Pink Stained Glass: '3130:6'
  Gray Stained Glass: '3130:7'
  Light Gray Stained Glass: '3130:8'
  Cyan Stained Glass: '3130:9'
  Purple Stained Glass: '3130:10'
  Blue Stained Glass: '3130:11'
  Brown Stained Glass: '3130:12'
  Green Stained Glass: '3130:13'
  Red Stained Glass: '3130:14'
  Black  Stained Glass: '3129:15'
  Black Stained Glass: '3130:15'
  Item Router: '3131:1'
  Liquid Router: '3131:2'
  Deep Storage: '3131:3'
  LiquidCrafter: '3131:4'
  Lava Fabricator: '3131:5'
  Oil Fabricator: '3131:6'
  Auto-jukebox: '3131:7'
  Unifier: '3131:8'
  Auto-Spawner: '3131:9'
  Bio-Reactor: '3131:10'
  BioFuel Generator: '3131:11'
  Road: '3132'
  Road Light: '3132:1'
  Road Light (Inverted): '3132:4'
  Glowstone Bricks: '3133'
  Ice Bricks: '3133:1'
  Lapis Lazuli Bricks: '3133:2'
  Obsidian Bricks: '3133:3'
  Paved Stone Bricks: '3133:4'
  Snow Bricks: '3133:5'
  Fusion Coil: '3200:1'
  Iridium Reinforced Stone: '3200:2'
  Block of Ruby: '3200:4'
  Block of Sapphire: '3200:5'
  LESU-Block: '3200:6'
  Block of Aluminium: '3200:7'
  Block of Titanium: '3200:8'
  Block of Chrome: '3200:9'
  Highly Advanced Machineblock: '3200:10'
  Block of Steel: '3200:11'
  Block of Brass: '3200:12'
  Standart Machine Casing: '3200:13'
  Reinforced Machine Casing: '3200:14'
  Advanced Machine Casing: '3200:15'
  Block of Electrum: '3201:1'
  Block of Zinc: '3201:2'
  Block of Olivine: '3201:3'
  Block of Green Sapphire: '3201:4'
  Block of Platinum: '3201:5'
  Block of Tungsten: '3201:6'
  Block of Nickel: '3201:7'
  Tungstensteel Block: '3201:8'
  Iridium Reinforced Tungstensteel Block: '3201:9'
  Invar Block: '3201:10'
  Osmium Block: '3201:11'
  Iridium Block: '3201:12'
  Fusion Reactor: '3203:1'
  Lightning Rod: '3203:2'
  GregTech Computer Cube: '3203:4'
  UUM-Assembler: '3203:5'
  Sonictron: '21288'
  Lapotronic Energy Storage Unit: '3203:7'
  Interdimensional Energy Storage Unit: '3203:8'
  Adjustable Energy Storage Unit: '3203:9'
  Charge-O-Mat: '3203:10'
  Industrial Centrifuge: '3203:11'
  Supercondructor Wire: '3203:12'
  Player Detector: '3203:13'
  Matter Fabricator: '3203:14'
  Supercondensator: '3203:15'
  Electric Craftingtable: '3203:16'
  Electric Translocator: '3203:17'
  Small Electric Buffer: '3203:18'
  Large Electric Buffer: '3203:19'
  Advanced Translocator: '3203:20'
  Advanced Buffer: '3203:21'
  Electric Rock Breaker: '3203:22'
  Electric Sorter: '3203:23'
  Electric item Clearer: '3203:24'
  Industiral Electrolyzer: '3203:25'
  Crop Harvestor: '3203:26'
  Scrapboxinator: '3203:27'
  Industrial Grinder: '3203:28'
  Industrial Blast Furnace: '3203:29'
  Quantum Tank: '3203:30'
  Implosion Compressor: '3203:31'
  Industrial Sawmill: '3203:32'
  Diesel Generator: '3203:33'
  Gas Turbine: '3203:34'
  Thermal Generator: '3203:35'
  Semifluid Generator: '3203:36'
  Vacuum Freezer: '3203:38'
  Advanced Regulator: '3203:39'
  Dragon Egg Energy Siphon: '3203:40'
  Chemical Reactor: '3203:41'
  Magic Energy Convertor: '3203:42'
  Magic Energy Absorber: '3203:43'
  Distillation Tower: '3203:44'
  Advanced Safe: '3203:45'
  Inventory Manager: '3203:46'
  Advanced Pump: '3203:47'
  Digital Chest: '3203:48'
  Quantum Chest: '3203:49'
  Automatic Macerator: '3203:50'
  Automatic Extractor: '3203:51'
  Automatic Compressor: '3203:52'
  Automatic Recycler: '3203:53'
  Automatic E-Furnace: '3203:54'
  Automatic Wiremill: '3203:55'
  Alloy Smelter: '3203:56'
  Automatic Canning Machine: '3203:57'
  Electric Type Sorter: '3203:58'
  Plate Bending MAchine: '3203:59'
  Ciricuit Assembling Machine: 3203:60
  Prinitng Factory: 3203:61
  Wood encased Shelf: 3203:70
  Metal encased Shelf: 3203:71
  File Cabinet: 3203:72
  Metal encased Desk: 3203:73
  Compartment: 3203:74
  Galena Ore: '3204:1'
  Iridium Ore: '30128'
  Sapphire Ore: '3204:4'
  Bauxite Ore: '3204:5'
  Pyrite Ore: '3204:6'
  Cinnabar Ore: '3204:7'
  Sphalerite Ore: '3204:8'
  Tungstate Ore: '3204:9'
  Sheldonite ore: '3204:10'
  Olivine Ore: '3204:11'
  Sodalite ore: '3204:12'
  Water Hive: '4000'
  Rock Hive: '4000:1'
  Nether Hive: '4000:2'
  Marbel Hive: '4000:3'
  Ectoplasm: '4001'
  Apiarist Machine: '4002'
  Acclimatiser: '4002:1'
  Apiarist Databank: '4002:2'
  Indexer: '4002:3'
  Genetic Machine: '4003'
  Genepool: '4003:1'
  Sequenzer: '4003:2'
  Splicer: '4003:3'
  Advanced Genetic Machine: '4004'
  Isolator: '4004:1'
  Replicator: '4004:2'
  Purifier: '4004:3'
  Inoculator: '4004:4'
  Synthesizer: '4004:5'
  Mutator: '4005'
  Frame Housing: '4005:1'
  Alveary Rain Shield: '4005:2'
  Alveary Lighting: '4005:3'
  Wood Gear: '4056'
  Stone Gear: '4057'
  Iron Gear: '4058'
  Gold Gear: '4059'
  Diamond Gear: '4060'
  Template: '4061'
  Wrench: '30183'
  Oil Bucket: '4063'
  Fuel: '4064'
  Pipe Waterproof: '4065'
  Fuel Bucket: '4066'
  Gate: '4067'
  Iron AND Gate: '4067:1'
  Iron OR Gate: '4067:2'
  Gold AND Gate: '4067:3'
  Gold OR Gate: '4067:4'
  Diamond AND Gate: '4067:5'
  Diamond OR Gate: '4067:6'
  Autarchic Gate: '4068'
  Autarchic Iron AND Gate: '4068:1'
  Autarchic Iron OR Gate: '4068:2'
  Autarchic Gold AND Gate: '4068:3'
  Autarchic Gold OR Gate: '4068:4'
  Autarchic Diamond AND Gate: '4068:5'
  Autarchic Diamond OR Gate: '4068:6'
  Red Pipe Wire: '4069'
  Blue Pipe Wire: '4070'
  Green Pipe Wire: '4071'
  Yellow Pipe WIre: '4072'
  Redstone Chipset: '4073'
  Redstone Iron Chipset: '4073:1'
  Redstone Golden Chipset: '4073:2'
  Redstone Diamond Chipset: '4073:3'
  Pulsating Chipset: '4073:4'
  Blueprint: '4074'
  Teleport Tether: '4077'
  Lectern: '4080'
  Link Modifier: '4081'
  Biogas Engine: '4084'
  Peat-fired Engine: '4084'
  Electrical Engine: '4084:2'
  Logger: '4085'
  Combine: '4085:1'
  Rubber Tree Harvester: '4085:2'
  Pumkin Harvester: '4085:3'
  Turbary: '4085:4'
  Cacti Harvester: '4085:5'
  Mushroom Picker: '4085:6'
  Sugaer Cane Harvester: '4085:7'
  Infernal Harvester: '4085:8'
  Arboretum: '4086'
  Farm: '4086:1'
  Rubber Farm: '4086:2'
  Pumkin Farm: '4086:3'
  Peat Bog: '4086:4'
  Mushroom Farm: '4086:5'
  Infernal Farm: '4086:6'
  Forest Hive: '4088:1'
  Meadows Hive: '4088:2'
  Desert Hive: '4088:3'
  Jungel Hive: '4088:4'
  Snow Hive: '4088:6'
  Swamp Hive: '4088:7'
  White Staind Glass: '4089'
  Orange Staind Glass: '4089:1'
  Magenta Staind Glass: '4089:2'
  Light Blue Staind Glass: '4089:3'
  Yellow Staind Glass: '4089:4'
  Lime Staind Glass: '4089:5'
  Pink Staind Glass: '4089:6'
  Gray Staind Glass: '4089:7'
  Light Gray Staind Glass: '4089:8'
  Cyan Staind Glass: '4089:9'
  Purpel Staind Glass: '4089:10'
  Blue Staind Glass: '4089:11'
  Brown Staind Glass: '4089:12'
  Green Staind Glass: '4089:13'
  Red Staind Glass: '4089:14'
  Black Staind Glass: '4089:15'
  Dimansional Anchor: '4090'
  LV Pneumatic Generator: '4091'
  MV Pneumatic Generator: '4091:1'
  HV Pneumatic Generator: '4091:2'
  EV Pneumatic Generator: '4091:3'
  Automatic Crafting Table MkII: '4092:1'
  Black Hole Chest: '4092:2'
  Incinerator: '4092:3'
  Dublicator: '4092:4'
  Retrievulator: '4092:5'
  Block breaker: '4092:6'
  Slow Electric Engine: '4093'
  Regular Electric Engine: '4093:1'
  Fast Electric Engine: '4093:2'
  Adjustable Electric Engine: '4093:3'
  Apatite Ore: '4094'
  Humus: '4095'
  Bog Earth: '4095:1'
  Floppy Disk: '4257'
  Printed Page: '4258'
  Printed Pages: '4258:1'
  Printed Book: '4258:2'
  Redstone Waterproof Pipe: '4286'
  Redstone Transport Pipe: '4287'
  Insertion Transport Pipe: '4288'
  Adv Wooden Transport Pipe: '4289'
  Distribution Transport Pipe: '4290'
  Phased Transport Pipe: '4291'
  Phased Waterproof Pipe: '4292'
  Phased Conductive Pipe: '4293'
  Closed Transport Pipe: '4294'
  Switch Transport Pipe: '4295'
  Switch Waterproof Pipe: '4296'
  Water Pump Pipe: '4297'
  Switch Conductive Pipe: '4298'
  Wooden Transport Pipe: '4306'
  Cobblestone Transport Pipe: '4307'
  Stone Transport Pipe: '4308'
  Iron Transport Pipe: '4309'
  Golden Transport Pipe: '4310'
  Diamond Transport Pipe: '4311'
  Obsidian Transport Pipe: '4312'
  Wooden Waterproof Pipe: '4313'
  Cobblestone Waterproof Pipe: '4314'
  Stone Waterproof Pipe: '4315'
  Iron Waterproof Pipe: '4316'
  Golden Waterproof Pipe: '4317'
  Wooden Conductive Pipe: '4320'
  Stone Conductive Pipe: '4322'
  Golden Conductive Pipe: '4324'
  Void Transport Pipe: '4325'
  Void Waterproof Pipe: '4326'
  Sandstone Transport Pipe: '4327'
  Cobblestone Structure Pipe: '4328'
  Sandstone Waterproof Pipe: '4329'
  Facade:Larch Wood: 4336:22208
  Facade:Teak Wood: 4336:22209
  Facade:Acacia Wood: 4336:22210
  Facade:Lime Wood: 4336:22211
  Facade:Chestnut Wood: 4336:22224
  Facade:Wenge Wood: 4336:22225
  Facade:Baobab Wood: 4336:22226
  Facade:Sequoia Wood: 4336:22227
  Facade:Kapok Wood: 4336:22240
  Facade:Ebony Wood: 4336:22241
  Facade:Mahogany Wood: 4336:22242
  Facade:Balsa Wood: 4336:22243
  Facade:Willow Wood: 4336:22256
  Facade:Walnut Wood: 4336:22257
  Facade:Greenheart Wood: 4336:22258
  Facade:Cherry Wood: 4336:22259
  Facade:Larch Wood Planks: 4336:22280
  Facade:Teak Wood Planks: 4336:22281
  Facade:Acacia Wood Planks: 4336:22282
  Facade:Lime Wood Planks: 4336:22283
  Facade:Chestnut Wood Planks: 4336:22284
  Facade:Wenge Wood Planks: 4336:22285
  Facade:Baobab Wood Planks: 4336:22286
  Facade:Sequoia Wood Planks: 4336:22287
  Facade:Kapok Wood Planks: 4336:22288
  Facade:Ebony Wood Planks: 4336:22289
  Facade:Mahogany Wood Planks: 4336:22290
  Facade:Balsa Wood Planks: 4336:22291
  Facade:Willow Wood Planks: 4336:22292
  Facade:Walnut Wood Planks: 4336:22293
  Facade:Greenheart Wood Planks: 4336:22294
  Facade:Cherry Wood Planks: 4336:22294
  Facade:Block of Concrete: 4336:7313
  Facade:Infernal Brick: 4336:7315
  Facade:Sandy Brick: 4336:7317
  Facade:Block of Steel: 4336:7314
  Facade:Stone: '4336:16'
  Facade:Grass Block: '4336:32'
  Facade:Dirt: '4336:48'
  Facade:Cobblestone: 4336:64
  Facade:Oak Wood Planks: 4336:80
  Facade:Spruce Wood Planks: 4336:81
  Facade:Birch Wood Planks: 4336:82
  Facade:Jungle Wood Planks: 4336:83
  Facade:Sand: 4336:192
  Facade:Gravel: 4336:208
  Facade:Gold Ore: 4336:224
  Facade:Iron Ore: 4336:240
  Facade:Coal Ore: 4336:256
  Facade:Oak Wood: 4336:272
  Facade:Spruce Wood: 4336:273
  Facade:Birch Wood: 4336:274
  Facade:Jungle Wood: 4336:275
  Facade:Glass: 4336:320
  Facade:Lapiz Lazuli Ore: 4336:336
  Facade:Lapiz Lazuli Block: 4336:352
  Facade:Sandstone: 4336:384
  Facade:Chiseled Sandstone: 4336:385
  Facade:Smooth Sandstone: 4336:386
  Facade:Wool: 4336:560
  Facade:Orange Wool: 4336:561
  Facade:Magenta Wool: 4336:562
  Facade:Light Blue Wool: 4336:563
  Facade:Yellow Wool: 4336:564
  Facade:Lime Wool: 4336:565
  Facade:Pink Wool: 4336:566
  Facade:Gray Wool: 4336:567
  Facade:Light Gray Wool: 4336:568
  Facade:Cyan Wool: 4336:569
  Facade:Purple Wool: 4336:570
  Facade:Blue Wool: 4336:571
  Facade:Brown Wool: 4336:572
  Facade:Green Wool: 4336:573
  Facade:Red Wool: 4336:574
  Facade:Block of Gold: 4336:656
  Facade:Block of Iron: 4336:672
  Facade:Stone Slab: 4336:688
  Facade:Sandstone Slab: 4336:689
  Facade:Wooden Slab: 4336:690
  Facade:Cobblestone Slab: 4336:691
  Facade:Bricks Slab: 4336:692
  Facade:Stone Bricks Slab: 4336:693
  Facade:Nether Brick Slab: 4336:694
  Facade:Bricks: 4336:720
  Facade:TNT: 4336:736
  Facade:Bookshelf: 4336:752
  Facade:Moss Stone: 4336:768
  Facade:Obsidian: 4336:784
  Facade:Diamond Ore: 4336:896
  Facade:Block of Diamond: 4336:912
  Facade:Crafting Table: 4336:928
  Facade:Redstone Ore: 4336:1184
  Facade:Snow: 4336:1280
  Facade:Clay: 4336:1312
  Facade:Pumpkin: 4336:1376
  Facade:Netherrack: 4336:1392
  Facade:Soul Sand: 4336:1408
  Facade:Glowstone: 4336:1424
  Facade:Jackolantern: 4336:1456
  Facade:Sone Monster Egg: 4336:1552
  Facade:Cobblestone monster Egg: 4336:1553
  Facade:Stone Brick Monster Egg: 4336:1554
  Facade:Stone Bricks: 4336:1568
  Facade:Mossy Stone Bricks: 4336:1569
  Facade:Cracked Stone Bricks: 4336:1570
  Facade:Chiseled Stone Bricks: 4336:1571
  Facade:Mushroom: 4336:1600
  Facade:Melon: 4336:1648
  Facade:Mycelium: 4336:1760
  Facade:Nether Brick: 4336:1792
  Facade:End Stone: 4336:1936
  Facade:Redstone Lamp: 4336:1984
  Facade:Oak Wood Slab: 4336:2000
  Facade:Spruce Wood Slab: 4336:2001
  Facade:Birch Wood Slab: 4336:2002
  Facade:Jungle Wood Slab: 4336:2003
  Facade:Emerald Ore: 4336:2064
  Facade:Block of Emerald: 4336:2128
  PipePowerWoodHV: '4585'
  Light Bulb: '5256'
  Mantle Piece(Unf): '5257'
  Ceramic Panel: '5259'
  Washing Machine Drum: '5260'
  Blind Part: '5261'
  Bronze Gear: '5264'
  Biomass Bucket: '5265'
  Sturdy Casing: '5266'
  Catalyst: '5268'
  Biofuel: '5269'
  Biomass: '5270'
  Biofuel Bucket: '5271'
  Peat: '5273'
  Ash: '5274'
  Copper Gear: 20261:164
  Water Can: '5276'
  Can: '5277'
  Biomass Can: '5278'
  Biofuel Can: '5279'
  Tin Gear: 20261:165
  Hardened Casing: '5281'
  Iodine Capsule: '5282'
  Red Alloy Ingot: '5574'
  Blue Alloy Ingot: '5574:1'
  Brass Ingot: '21256:25'
  Silicon Boule: '5574:3'
  Silicon Wafer: '5574:4'
  Blue-Doped Wafer: '5574:5'
  Red-Doped Wafer: '5574:6'
  Tinplate: '5574:7'
  Fine Copper Wire: '5574:8'
  Fine Iron Wire: '5574:9'
  Copper Coil: '5574:10'
  Blulectric Motor: '5574:11'
  Canvas: '5574:12'
  Diamond Drawplate: '5575'
  Indigo Dye: '5576'
  Diamond Handsaw: '5577'
  Iron Handsaw: '5578'
  White Lumar: '5579'
  Orange Lumar: '5579:1'
  Magenta Lumar: '5579:2'
  Light Blue Lumar: '5579:3'
  Yellow Lumar: '5579:4'
  Lime Lumar: '5579:5'
  Pink Lumar: '5579:6'
  Gray Lumar: '5579:7'
  Light Gray Lumar: '5579:8'
  Cyan Lumar: '5579:9'
  Purple Lumar: '5579:10'
  Blue Lumar: '5579:11'
  Brown Lumar: '5579:12'
  Green Lumar: '5579:13'
  Red Lumar: '5579:14'
  Black Lumar: '5579:15'
  Iron Nugget: 21261:241
  Silver Nugget: '21261:17'
  Tin Nugget: 21261:244
  Copper Nugget: 21261:243
  Ruby: '21256:32'
  Green Sapphire: '21256:34'
  Sapphire: '21256:33'
  Silver Ingot: '21256:17'
  Tin Ingot: '31992'
  Copper Ingot: '31993'
  Nikolite: '5581:6'
  Screwdriver: '5582'
  Blank Floppy: '5583'
  Stone Wafer: '5584'
  Stone Wire: '5584:1'
  Stone Anode: '5584:2'
  Stone Cathode: '5584:3'
  Stone Pointer: '5584:4'
  Stone Redwire: '5584:5'
  Plate Assembly: '5584:6'
  Silicon Chip: '5584:7'
  Tainted Silicon Chip: '5584:8'
  Stone Bundle: '5584:9'
  BT Battery: '5586'
  Sonic Screwdriver: '5587'
  Voltmeter: '5588'
  Athame: '5589'
  Green Sapphire Axe: '5590'
  Ruby Axe: '5591'
  Sapphire Axe: '5592'
  Green Sapphire Handsaw: '5593'
  Ruby Handsaw: '5594'
  Sapphire Handsaw: '5595'
  Green Sapphire Hoe: '5596'
  Ruby Hoe: '5597'
  Sapphire Hoe: '5598'
  Black Paint Brush: '5599'
  Blue Paint Brush: '5600'
  Brown Paint Brush: '5601'
  Cyan Paint Brush: '5602'
  Paint Brush: '5603'
  Gray Paint Brush: '5604'
  Green Paint Brush: '5605'
  Light Blue Paint Brush: '5606'
  Lime Paint Brish: '5607'
  Magenta Paint Brush: '5608'
  Orange Paint Brush: '5609'
  Pink Paint Brush: '5610'
  Purple Paint Brush: '5611'
  Red Paint Brush: '5612'
  Light Gray Paint Brush: '5613'
  White Paint Brush: '5614'
  Yellow Paint Brush: '5615'
  Black Paint: '5616'
  Blue Paint: '5617'
  Brown Paint: '5618'
  Cyan Paint: '5619'
  Paint Paint: '5620'
  Gray Paint: '5621'
  Green Paint: '5622'
  Light Blue Paint: '5623'
  Lime Paint: '5624'
  Magenta Paint: '5625'
  Orange Paint: '5626'
  Pink Paint: '5627'
  Purple Paint: '5628'
  Red Paint: '5629'
  Light Gray Paint: '5630'
  White Paint: '5631'
  Yellow Paint: '5632'
  Green Sapphire Pickaxe: '5633'
  Ruby Pickaxe: '5634'
  Sapphire Pickaxe: '5635'
  Flax Seeds: '5636'
  Green Sapphire Shovel: '5637'
  Ruby Shovel: '5638'
  Sapphire Shovel: '5639'
  Diamond Sickle: '5640'
  Green Sapphire Sickle: '5641'
  Gold Sickle: '5642'
  Iron Sickle: '5643'
  Ruby Sickle: '5644'
  Sapphire Sickle: '5645'
  Stone Sickle: '5646'
  Wood Sickle: '5647'
  Green Sapphire Sword: '5648'
  Ruby Sword: '5649'
  Sapphire Sword: '5650'
  Wool Card: '5651'
  Triangulator: '6357'
  Wireless Remote: '6358'
  Wireless Sniffer: '6359'
  Wireless Map: '6360'
  Wireless Tracker: '6361'
  REP: '6362'
  Private Sniffer: '6363'
  Obsidian Stick: '6406'
  Stone Bowl: '6407'
  REther Pearl: '6408'
  Wireless Transceiver: '6409'
  Blaze Transceiver: '6410'
  Receiver Dish: '6411'
  Blaze Receiver Dish: '6412'
  Upgrade Manager: '7121'
  Sneaky Upgrade (UP): '7122'
  Sneaky Upgrade (DOWN): '7122:1'
  Sneaky Upgrade (NORTH): '7122:2'
  Sneaky Upgrade (SOUTH): '7122:3'
  Sneaky Upgrade (EAST): '7122:4'
  Sneaky Upgrade (WEST): '7122:5'
  Disconnection Upgrade(UP): '7122:10'
  Disconnection Upgrade(DOWN): '7122:11'
  Disconnection Upgrade(NORTH): '7122:12'
  Disconnection Upgrade(SOUTH): '7122:13'
  Disconnection Upgrade(EAST): '7122:14'
  Disconnection Upgrade(WEST): '7122:15'
  Speed Upgrade: '7122:20'
  Advanced Satellite Upgrade: '7122:21'
  Logistics HUD Bow: '7123'
  Logistics HUD Glass: '7123:1'
  Logistics HUD Nose Bridge: '7123:2'
  Nano Hopper: '7123:3'
  Logistics HUD Glasses: '7124'
  Logistics Item Card: '7125'
  Logistics Disk: '7126'
  Blank module: '7127'
  ItemSink module: '7127:1'
  Passive Supplier module: '7127:2'
  Extractor module: '7127:3'
  Polymorphic ItemSink module: '7127:4'
  QuickSort module: '7127:5'
  Terminus module: '7127:6'
  Advanced Extractor module: '7127:7'
  Bee Analyzer module: '7127:8'
  BeeSink module: '7127:9'
  Apiary Refiller module: '7127:10'
  Drone Terminus module: '7127:11'
  Mod Based ItemSink module: '7127:12'
  Thaumic AspectSink module: '7127:30'
  Extractor MK2 module: 7127:103
  Advanced Extractor MK2: 7127:107
  Extractor MK3 module: 7127:203
  Advanced Extractor MK3: 7127:207
  Electric Manager module: 7127:300
  Electric Buffer module: 7127:301
  Provider module: 7127:500
  Provider module MK2: 7127:501
  Remote Orderer: '7128'
  Basic Logistics Pipe: '7130'
  Request Logistics Pipe: '7131'
  Provider Logistics Pipe: '7132'
  Crafting Logistics Pipe: '7133'
  Satellite Logistics Pipe: '7134'
  Supplier Logistics Pipe: '7135'
  Builder Supplier Logistics Pipe: '7136'
  Logistics Chassis Mk1: '7137'
  Logistics Chassis Mk2: '7138'
  Logistics Chassis Mk3: '7139'
  Logistics Chassis Mk4: '7140'
  Logistics Chassis Mk5: '7141'
  Liquid Supplier Pipe: '7142'
  Crafting Logistics Pipe Mk2: '7144'
  Remote Orderer Logistics Pipe: '7145'
  Provider Logistics Pipe Mk2: '7146'
  Bee Analyzer Logistics Pipe: '7147'
  Bee Sink Logistics Pipe: '7148'
  Logistics Inventory System Connector: '7149'
  Logistics System Entrancer Pipe: '7150'
  Logistics System Destination Pipe: '7151'
  Crafting Logistics Pipe Mk3: '7152'
  Logistics Firewall Pipe: '7153'
  Crafting Sign Creator: '7156'
  Ender Pouch: '7493'
  Obsidian Dust: '21796:46'
  Sulfur: 20261:96
  Saltpeter: '7756:2'
  Charcoal Dust: '21796:47'
  Coal Coke: '7757'
  Lapotron Loader Upgrade: '7758'
  Anchor Cart: '7759'
  Batbox Cart: '7760'
  Tunnel Bore: '7761'
  MFE Cart: '7762'
  MFSU Cart: '7763'
  Pumpkin Cart: '7764'
  Tank Cart: '7765'
  TNT Cart: '7766'
  Track Relayer Cart: '7767'
  Undercutter Cart: '7768'
  Work Cart: '7769'
  Creosote Bottle: '7770'
  Creosote Bucket: '7771'
  Creosote Can: '7772'
  Creosote Capsule: '7775'
  Engineers Overral: '7777'
  Icemans Backpack: '7778'
  Gold-Plate Gear: '7779'
  Steel Gear: '7779:2'
  Steel Ingot: '21256:26'
  Iron Plate: 21256:64
  Steel Plate: 21256:78
  Tin Plate: 21256:67
  Standart Rail: '7782'
  Advanced Rail: '7782:1'
  Wooden Rail: '7782:2'
  HSRail: '7782:3'
  Coal Cell: '30230'
  Reinforced Rail: '7782:4'
  Wooden Railbed: '7783'
  Stone Railbed: '7783:1'
  Rebar: '7784'
  Signal Lamp: '7785'
  Wooden Tie: '7786'
  Stone Tie: '7786:1'
  Turbine Blade: '7787'
  Turbine Disk: '7788'
  Turbine Rotor: '7789'
  Diamond Boar Head: '7790'
  Iron Boar Head: '7791'
  Steel Boar Head: '7792'
  Crowbar: '7793'
  Magnifying Glass: '7794'
  Signal Tuner: '7795'
  Steel Axe: '7796'
  Steel Hoe: '7797'
  Steel Pickaxe: '7798'
  Steel Shovel: '7799'
  Steel Sword: '7800'
  Signal Block Surveyor: '7801'
  Steel Boots: '7802'
  Steel Helmet: '7803'
  Steel Leggings: '7804'
  Steel Chestplate: '7805'
  Steam Locomotive: '7806'
  Gift Cart: '7807'
  Trackmans Googles: '7808'
  Woven Icemans Backpack: '7809'
  Trackmans Backpack: '7810'
  Woven Trackmans Backpack: '7811'
  Personal Anchor Cart: '7812'
  Creosote Cell: '21258:21'
  Iron nugget: '7814'
  Steel Nugget: '21261:26'
  Controller Circuit: '7815'
  Receiver Circuit: '7815:1'
  Signal Circuit: '7815:2'
  Whistle Tuner: '7816'
  Acid: '8756'
  Poison: '8756'
  Liguid Nitrogen: '8756'
  Acid Capsule: 8766:128
  Poison Capsule: 8766:129
  Liguid Nitrogen Capsule: 8766:130
  Acid Can: 8766:256
  Posion Can: 8766:257
  Liquid Nitrogen Can: 8766:258
  Acid Bucket: 8766:384
  Poison Bucket: 8766:385
  Liquid Nitrogen Bucket: 8766:386
  Acid Bottle: 8766:512
  Posion Bottle: 8766:513
  Liquid Nitrogen Bottle: 8766:514
  Barren Comb: '8776'
  Rotten Comb: '8776:1'
  Skeletal Comb: '8776:2'
  Oily Comb: '8776:3'
  Fossilised Comb: '8776:4'
  Petroleum Comb: '8776:5'
  Wet Comb: '8776:6'
  Milky Comb: '8776:7'
  Fruity Comb: '8776:8'
  Seedy Comb: '8776:9'
  Alcoholic Comb: '8776:10'
  Rocky Comb: '8776:11'
  Glowing Comb: 8776:75
  Amber Comb: 8776:64
  Static Comb: '8776:14'
  Iron Comb: '8776:15'
  Golden Comb: '8776:16'
  Copper Comb: '8776:17'
  Tin Comb: '8776:18'
  Silver Comb: '8776:19'
  Bronze Comb: '8776:20'
  Radioactive Comb: '8776:21'
  Clay Comb: '8776:22'
  Ancient Comb: '8776:23'
  Fungal Comb: '8776:24'
  Tar Comb: '8776:25'
  Latex Comb: '8776:26'
  Brimstone Comb: '8776:27'
  Venomous Comb: '8776:28'
  Mucous Comb: '8776:29'
  Blazing Comb: '8776:30'
  Coffee Comb: '8776:31'
  Glacial Comb: '8776:32'
  Mint Comb: '8776:33'
  Citrus Comb: '8776:34'
  Peat Comb: '8776:35'
  Shadow Comb: '8776:36'
  Leadon Comb: '8776:37'
  Brazen Comb: '8776:38'
  Electrum Comb: '8776:39'
  Zinc Comb: '8776:40'
  Titanium Comb: '8776:41'
  Tungsten Comb: '8776:42'
  Steel Comb: '8776:43'
  Platinum Comb: '8776:45'
  Lapis Comb: '8776:46'
  Sodalite Comb: '8776:47'
  Pyrite Comb: '8776:48'
  Bauxite Comb: '8776:49'
  Cinnabar Comb: '8776:50'
  Sphalerite Comb: '8776:51'
  Emerald Comb: '8776:52'
  Ruby Comb: '8776:53'
  Sapphire Comb: '8776:54'
  Olivine Comb: '8776:55'
  Diamond Comb: '8776:56'
  Maroon Comb: '8776:57'
  Saffron Comb: '8776:58'
  Prussian Comb: '8776:59'
  Forest Comb: 8776:60
  Ebony Comb: 8776:61
  Bleached Comb: 8776:62
  Sepia Comb: 8776:63
  Turquoise Comb: 8776:65
  Indigo Comb: 8776:66
  Slate Comb: 8776:67
  Azure Comb: 8776:68
  Lavender Comb: 8776:69
  Lime Comb: 8776:70
  Fuchsia Comb: 8776:71
  Ashen Comb: 8776:72
  Nickel Comb: 8776:73
  Invar Comb: 8776:74
  Pulped Comb: 8776:77
  Spoiled Comb: 8776:78
  Decomposed Comb: 8776:79
  Dusty Comb: 8776:80
  Watery Propolis: '8781'
  Oily Propolis: '8781:1'
  Petroleum Propolis: '8781:2'
  Wood Tar Propolis: '8781:7'
  Peat Propolis: '8781:9'
  Energy Drop: '8786'
  Acid Drop: '8786:1'
  Venom Drop: '8786:2'
  Apple Drop: '8786:3'
  Citric Drop: '8786:4'
  Kelvin Drop: '8786:5'
  Milk Drop: '8786:6'
  Seed Drop: '8786:7'
  Alcoholic Drop: '8786:8'
  Fruit Drop: '8786:9'
  Vegetable Drop: '8786:10'
  Pumpkin Drop: '8786:11'
  Melon Drop: '8786:12'
  Maroon Drop: '8786:13'
  Saffron Drop: '8786:14'
  Prussian Drop: '8786:15'
  Forest Drop: '8786:16'
  Ebony Drop: '8786:17'
  Bleached Drop: '8786:18'
  Sepia Drop: '8786:19'
  Amber Drop: '8786:20'
  Turquoise Drop: '8786:21'
  Indigo Drop: '8786:22'
  Slate Drop: '8786:23'
  Azure Drop: '8786:24'
  Lavender Drop: '8786:25'
  Lime Drop: '8786:26'
  Fuchsia Drop: '8786:27'
  Ashen Drop: '8786:28'
  Honey Crystal: '8791'
  Depleted Honey Crystal: '8792'
  Abiarist Database: '8793'
  Master Apiarist Database: '8793:1'
  Forest Template: '8797'
  Meadows Template: '8797'
  Modest Template: '8797'
  Tropical Template: '8797'
  Wintry Template: '8797'
  Common Template: '8797'
  Water Template: '8797'
  Rocky Template: '8797'
  Blank Template: '8802'
  Liquid DNA: '8799'
  Corrupted Serum: '8803'
  Empty Serum Vial: '8804'
  Corruped Gnome: '8805'
  Empty Gnome Vial: '8806'
  Chocolate Frame: '8816'
  Restraint Frame: '8817'
  Soul Frame: '8818'
  Healing Frame: '8819'
  Nova Frame: '8820'
  Molten Iron: '8826'
  Molten Copper: '8826:1'
  Molten Tin: '8826:2'
  Molten Bronze: '8826:3'
  Molten Silver: '8826:4'
  Molten Gold: '8826:5'
  Molten Diamond: '8826:6'
  Molten Emerald: '8826:7'
  Molten Obsidian: '8826:8'
  Helmet Cast: '8827'
  Cestplate Cast: '8827:1'
  Legging Cast: '8827:2'
  Boots Cast: '8827:3'
  Axe Cast: '8827:4'
  Pickaxe Cast: '8827:5'
  Shovel Cast: '8827:6'
  Hoe Cast: '8827:7'
  Gear Cast: '8827:8'
  Block Cast: '8827:9'
  Diode: '8836:1'
  Capacitor: '8836:2'
  Descriptive Book: '8956'
  Linking Book: '8957'
  Notebook: '8858'
  Blank Plan: '9266'
  Canvas Bag: '9268'
  Seed Bag: '9299'
  Wooden Sail: '9339'
  Wooden Wind Turbine: '9340'
  Wooden Windmill: '9341'
  Brass Gear: '9343'
  MFFS MultiTool<Wrench>: '11363:1'
  MFFS MultiTool<Debugger>: '11367:1'
  MFFS Projector Module dianonal Wall: '11369'
  MFFS Card <blank>: '11371'
  MFFS Extractor Booster: '11374'
  MFFS Capacitor Upgrade <Range>: '11375'
  MFFS Capacitor Upgrade <Capacity>: '11376'
  MFFS Projector Module Sphere: '11377'
  MFFS Projector Module Cube: '11378'
  MFFS Projector Module Wall: '11380'
  MFFS Projector Module Deflector: '11381'
  MFFS Projector Module Tube: '11382'
  MFFS Projector Upgrade <touch damage>: '11383'
  MFFS Projector Upgrade <Sponge>: '11384'
  MFFS Projector Upgrade <Field Manipulator>: '11385'
  MFFS Projector Upgrade <Block Breaker>: '11386'
  MFFS Projector Field Modulator <distance>: '11387'
  MFFS Projector Field Modulator <strength>: '11388'
  MFFS Projector Focus Matrix: '11389'
  MFFS Projector Upgrade <Defense Station>: '11393'
  MFFS Projector Upgrade <NPC Defence>: '11394'
  MFFS Projector Upgrade <Force Field Jammer>: '11395'
  MFFS Projector Containment: '11396'
  MFFS Projector Upgrade <Camouflage>: '11397'
  MFFS Projector Module Adv:
    Cube: '11398'
  MFFS Projector Upgrade <Field Fusion>: '11399'
  Forcicium: '11400'
  MFFS Force Energy Crystal: 11401:101
  MFFS compact Forcicium Cell: 11402:100
  MFFS Infinite Power Card: '11403'
  Wooden Spear: '11520'
  Stone Spear: '11521'
  Iron Spear: '11522'
  Diamond Spear: '11523'
  Golden Spear: '11524'
  Wooden Halberd: '11525'
  Stone Halberd: '11526'
  Iron Halberd: '11527'
  Diamond Halberd: '11528'
  Golden Halberd: '11529'
  Wooden Battleaxe: '11530'
  Stone Battleaxe: '11531'
  Iron Battleaxe: '11532'
  Diamond Battleaxe: '11533'
  Golden Battleaxe: '11534'
  Wooden Warhammer: '11535'
  Stone Warhammer: '11536'
  Iron Warhammer: '11537'
  Diamond Warhammer: '11538'
  Golden Warhammer: '11539'
  Wooden Knife: '11540'
  Stone Knife: '11541'
  Iron Knife: '11542'
  Diamond Knife: '11543'
  Golden Knife: '11544'
  Wooden Flail: '11545'
  Stone Flail: '11546'
  Iron Flail: '11547'
  Diamond Flail: '11548'
  Golden Flail: '11549'
  Javelin: '11550'
  Musket: '11551'
  Musket with Bayonet: '11552'
  Musket Barrel: '11553'
  Musket Round: '11554'
  Crossbow: '11555'
  Crossbow Bolt: '11556'
  Blowgun: '11557'
  Poisonus Dart: '11558'
  Dynamite: '31998:6'
  Fire Rod: '11560'
  Cannon: '11561'
  Cannon Ball: '11562'
  Blunderbuss: '11563'
  Blunderbuss Shot: '11564'
  Blunderbuss Barrel: '11565'
  Training Dummy: '11566'
  Gun Stock: '11567'
  Wooden Boomerang: '11568'
  Stone Boomerang: '11569'
  Iron Boomerang: '11570'
  Diamond Boomerang: '11571'
  Golden Boomerang: '11572'
  Precision Sledgehammer: '12243'
  Sludge: '19295'
  Sewage: '12246'
  Monster Essence: '12247'
  Industrial Fertilizer: '12248'
  Plastic Sheets: '12249'
  Raw Plastic: '12250'
  Rubber Bar: '12251'
  Sewage Bucket: '12252'
  Sludge Bucket: '12253'
  Mob Essence Bucket: '12254'
  Empty Syringe: '12255'
  Healing Syringe: '12256'
  Growth Hormone Syringe: '12257'
  Rubber: '30216'
  Factory Machine Block: '12259'
  Safari Net: '12260'
  White Ceramic Dye: '12261'
  Orange Ceramic Dye: '12261:1'
  Magenta Ceramic Dye: '12261:2'
  Light Blue Ceramic Dye: '12261:3'
  Yellow Ceramic Dye: '12261:4'
  Lime Ceramic Dye: '12261:5'
  Pink Ceramic Dye: '12261:6'
  Gray Ceramic Dye: '12261:7'
  Light Gray Ceramic Dye: '12261:8'
  Cyan Ceramic Dye: '12261:9'
  Purple Ceramic Dye: '12261:10'
  Blue Ceramic Dye: '12261:11'
  Brown Ceramic Dye: '12261:12'
  Green Ceramic Dye: '12261:13'
  Red Ceramic Dye: '12261:14'
  Black Ceramic Dye: '12261:15'
  Blank Record: '12262'
  Zombie Syringe: '12263'
  Safari Net (Single Use): '12264'
  BioFuel: '12265'
  BioFuel Bucket: '12266'
  Lapis Upgrade: '12267'
  Iron Upgrade: '12267:1'
  Tin Upgrade: '12267:2'
  Copper Upgrade: '12267:3'
  Bronze Upgrade: '12267:4'
  Silver Upgrade: '12267:5'
  Gold Upgrade: '12267:6'
  Quartz Upgrade: '12267:7'
  Diamond Upgrade: '12267:8'
  Platinum Upgrade: '12267:9'
  Emerald Upgrade: '12267:10'
  Safari Net Launcher: '12268'
  Carton: '13256'
  Crate: '13257'
  Impregnated Stick: '13258'
  Wood Pulp: '13259'
  Pickaxe Kit: '13260'
  Survivalists Pickaxe: '13261'
  Broken Pickaxe: '13262'
  Shovel Kit: '13263'
  Survivalists Shovel: '13264'
  Broken Shovel: '13265'
  Mouldy Wheat: '13276'
  Decaying Wheat: '13277'
  Mulch: '13278'
  Honey Drop: '13283'
  Scoop: '13284'
  Beeswax: '13285'
  Pollen: '13286'
  Crystalline Pollen: '13286:1'
  Propolis: '13287'
  Sticky Propolis: '13287:1'
  Silky Propolis: '13287:3'
  Royal Jelly: '13288'
  Honeydew: '13289'
  Wax Capsule: '13290'
  Honeyed Slice: '13291'
  Short Mead: '13365'
  Curative Mead: '13292:1'
  Ambrosia: '13293'
  Water Capsule: '13331'
  Biomass Capsule: '13332'
  Biofuel Capsule: '13333'
  Bituminous Peat: '13297'
  Oil Capsule: '13334'
  Fuel Capsule: '13335'
  Oil Can: '13300'
  Fuel Can: '13301'
  Lava Can: '13302'
  Apiarists Backpack: '13304'
  Miners Backpack: '13305'
  Diggers Backpack: '13306'
  Forestes Backpackr: '13307'
  Hunters Backpack: '13308'
  Honey Pot: '13312'
  Seed Oil: '13313'
  Apple Juice: '13314'
  Honey: '13315'
  Seed Oil Can: '13318'
  Honey Can: '13319'
  Juice Can: '13320'
  Seed Oil Capsule: '13336'
  Honey Capsule: '13337'
  Juice Capsule: '13338'
  Phosphor: '13324'
  Refractory Wax: '13325'
  Refractory Capsule: '13326'
  Lava Capsule: '13327'
  Forest Drone: '13340'
  Meadows Drone: '13340'
  Modest Drone: '13340'
  Tropical Drone: '13340'
  Wintry Drone: '13340'
  Marshy Drone: '13340'
  Rocky Drone: '13340'
  Water Drone: '13340'
  Forest Princess: '13341'
  Meadows Princess: '13341'
  Modest Princess: '13341'
  Tropical Princess: '13341'
  Wintry Princess: '13341'
  Marshy Princess: '13341'
  Rocky Princess: '13341'
  Water Princess: '13341'
  Beealyzer: '13342'
  Woven Miners Backpack: '13344'
  Woven Diggers Backpack: '13345'
  Woven Foresters Backpack: '13346'
  Woven Hunters Backpack: '13347'
  Adventurers Backpack: '13352'
  Woven Adventurers Backpack: '13353'
  Pulsating Dust: '13354'
  Pulsating Mesh: '13354:1'
  Silk Wisp: '13354:2'
  Woven Silk: '13354:3'
  Dissipation Charge: '13354:4'
  Ice Shard: '13354:5'
  Scented Paneling: '13354:6'
  Apiarists Hat: '13356'
  Apiarists Shirt: '13357'
  Apiarists Pant: '13358'
  Apiarists Shoes: '13359'
  Honey Comb: '13360'
  Simmering Comb: '13360:2'
  Stringy Comb: '13360:3'
  Frozen Comb: '13360:4'
  Dripping Comb: '13360:5'
  Silky Comb: '13360:6'
  Parched Comb: '13360:7'
  Mossy Comb: '13360:15'
  Habitat Locator: '13361'
  Builders Backpack: '13362'
  Woven Builders Backpack: '13363'
  Infuser: '13364'
  Imprinter: '13366'
  Pipette: '13367'
  Basic Circuit Board: '13368'
  Enhanced Circuit Board: '13368:1'
  Refined Circuit Board: '13368:2'
  Intricate Circuit Board: '13368:3'
  Soldering Iron: '13369'
  Copper Electron Tube: '13370'
  Tin Electron Tube: '13370:1'
  Bronze Electron Tube: '13370:2'
  Iron Electron Tube: '13370:3'
  Golden Electron Tube: '13370:4'
  Diamantine Electron Tube: '13370:5'
  Obsidian Electron Tube: '13370:6'
  Blazing Electron Tube: '13370:7'
  Rubberised Electron Tube: '13370:8'
  Emerald Electron Tube: '13370:9'
  Apatine Electron Tube: '13370:10'
  Lapis Electron Tube: '13370:11'
  Liquid Glass: '13371'
  Stamp 1n: '13372'
  Stamp 2n: '13372:1'
  Stamp 5n: '13372:2'
  Stamp 10n: '13372:3'
  Letter: '13373'
  Crushed Ice: '13375'
  Ice Can: '13376'
  Ice Capsule: '13378'
  Wax Cast: '13379'
  Impregnated Casing: '13380'
  Untreated Frame: '13381'
  Impregnated Frame: '13382'
  Proven Frame: '13383'
  Jungle Sapling: '13384'
  Silver Lime Sapling: '13384'
  Hill Cherry Sapling: '13384'
  Sweet Chestnut Sapling: '13384'
  Common Walnut Sapling: '13384'
  Mundane Larch Sapling: '13384'
  Bull Pine Sapling: '13384'
  Sequoia Sapling: '13384'
  Balsa Sapling: '13384'
  Desert Acacia Sapling: '13384'
  Wenge Sapling: '13384'
  Grandidiers Baobab Sapling: '13384'
  Teak Sapling: '13384'
  Kapok Sapling: '13384'
  Myrtle Ebony Sapling: '13384'
  Yellow Meranti Sapling: '13384'
  White Willow Sapling: '13384'
  Sipiri Sapling: '13384'
  Treealyzer: '13385'
  Cherry: '13386'
  Walnut: '13386:1'
  Chestnut: '13386:2'
  Grafter: '13387'
  Apiarists Pipe: '14256'
  Craftpacket: '19256'
  Bag of Holding: '19257'
  Pocket Crafting Table: '19258'
  Wand of Cooling: '19261'
  Diamond Shard: '119262'
  Wrath Igniter: '19263'
  Dark Iron Ingot: '19264'
  Exo-Chassis: '19265'
  Exo-Helmet: '19266'
  Exo-Chestplate: '19267'
  Exo-Leggings: '119268'
  Exo-Boots: '19269'
  Lead Ingot: '21256:23'
  Item Filter: '19272'
  Machine Filter: '19273'
  Speed Boost: '19274'
  Thoroughness: '19275'
  Bandwidth: '19276'
  Buoyant Barrel: '19277'
  Cobblestone Drive: '19278'
  Shoulder-Mounted Piston: '19279'
  Sulfuric Acid: '19280'
  Magnet: '19281'
  Insulated Coil: '19282'
  Motor: '19283'
  Fan: '19284'
  Charge Meter: '19285'
  Extra-Dimensional Storage: '19288'
  Dirty Iron Gravel: '19290'
  Dirty Gold Gravel: '19290:1'
  Dirty Tin Gravel: '19290:3'
  Dirty Copper Gravel: '19290:4'
  Dirty Galena Gravel: '19290:6'
  Clean Iron Chunks: '19291'
  Clean Gold Chunks: '19291:1'
  Clean Tin Chunks: '19291:3'
  Clean Copper Chunks: '19291:4'
  Clean Galena Chunks: '19291:6'
  Reduced Iron Chunks: '19292'
  Reduced Gold Chunks: '19292:1'
  Reduced Lead Chunks: '19292:2'
  Reduced Tin Chunks: '19292:3'
  Reduced Copper Chunks: '19292:4'
  Reduced Silver Chunks: '19292:5'
  Crystalline Iron: '19293'
  Crystalline Gold: '19293:1'
  Crystalline Lead: '19293:2'
  Crystalline Tin: '19293:3'
  Crystalline Copper: '19293:4'
  Crystalline Silver: '19293:5'
  Diamond Cutting Head: '19294'
  Inverium Drop: '19296:1'
  Sculpting Tool: '19297'
  Angular Saw: '19298'
  Logic Matrix Programmer: '19299'
  Logic Matrix: '19300'
  'Logic Matrix: Identifier': '19301'
  Heat Hole: '19302'
  Wall Jumping Boots: '19303'
  Emerald Transport Pipe: '19423'
  Emerald Waterproof Pipe: '19443'
  Crescent Hammer: '20257'
  Machine Frame: '20260:32'
  Energy Cell Frame (Empty): 20260:64
  Energy Cell frame (Full): 20260:65
  Energy Conduit (Empty): 20260:96
  Pulverized Iron: '20261'
  Pulverized Gold: '20261:1'
  Pulverized Obsidian: '20261:3'
  Pulverized Copper: '20261:32'
  Pulverized Tin: '20261:33'
  Pulverized Silver: '20261:34'
  Pulverized Lead: '20261:35'
  Pulverized Ferrous Dust: '20261:40'
  Pulverized Shiny Dust: '20261:41'
  Electrum Blend: '20261:38'
  Invar Blend: '20261:39'
  Bronze Blend: '20261:36'
  Brass Blend: '20261:37'
  Ferrous Ingot: 20261:68
  Shiny Ingot: 20261:69
  Electrum Ingot: 20261:70
  Invae Ingot: 20261:71
  Niter: 20261:97
  Wood Chips: 20261:128
  Sawdust: 20261:129
  Somressed: 20261:130
  Slag: 20261:131
  Rich Slag: 20261:132
  Pneumatic Servo: 20261:160
  Redstone Reception Coil: 20261:161
  Redstone Transmission Coil: 20261:162
  Redstone Conductance Coil: 20261:163
  Invar Gear: 20261:166
  Copper Credit: '21256'
  Silver Credit: '21256:1'
  Gold Credit: '21256:2'
  Diamond Credit: '21256:3'
  Irdium Alloy Ingot: '21256:4'
  Hot Tungstensteel Ingot: '21256:5'
  Tungstensteel Ingot: '21256:6'
  Magnalium Plate: '21256:13'
  Wood Plate: '21256:15'
  Irdium Ingot: '21256:16'
  Aluminium Ingot: '21256:18'
  Titanium Ingot: '21256:19'
  Chrome ingot: '21256:20'
  Elctrum Ingot: '21256:21'
  Tungsten Ingot: '21256:22'
  Zinc Ingot: '21256:24'
  Platinum Ingot: '21256:27'
  Nickel Ingot: '21256:28'
  Invar Ingot: '21256:29'
  Osmium Ingot: '21256:30'
  Chunk of Lazurite: '21256:35'
  Silicon Plate: '21256:36'
  Olivine: '21256:37'
  Red Garnet: '21256:54'
  Yellow Garnet: '21256:55'
  Gold Plate: 21256:65
  Refined Iron Plate: 21256:66
  Copper Plate: 21256:68
  Silver Plate: 21256:69
  Bronze Plate: 21256:70
  Electrum Plate: 21256:71
  Nickel Plate: 21256:72
  Invar plate: 21256:73
  Lead plate: 21256:74
  Aluminium Plate: 21256:75
  Chrome Plate: 21256:76
  Titanium Plate: 21256:77
  Platinum Plate: 21256:79
  Tungsten Plate: 21256:80
  Brass Plate: 21256:81
  Zinc Plate: 21256:82
  Tungstensteel Plate: 21256:83
  Osmium Plate: 21256:84
  Prototype OmniWrench: '21257'
  Hydrogen Cell: '21258'
  Deuterium cell: '21258:1'
  Tritium Cell: '21258:2'
  Helium Cell: '21258:3'
  Wolframium Cell: '21258:4'
  Lithium Cell: '21258:5'
  Helium-3 Cell: '21258:6'
  Silicon Cell: '21258:7'
  Carbon Cell: '21258:8'
  Methane Cell: '21258:9'
  Berylium Cell: '21258:10'
  Calcium Cell: '21258:11'
  Sodium Cell: '21258:12'
  Chlorite Cell: '21258:13'
  Potassium cell: '21258:14'
  Nitrogen Cell: '21258:15'
  Mercury Cell: '21258:16'
  Oil Cell: '21258:17'
  Diesel Cell: '21258:18'
  Bio Diesel Cell: '21258:19'
  Biomass Cell: '21258:20'
  Nitro-Diesel Cell: '21258:22'
  Ice Cell: '21258:23'
  Seed Oil Cell: '21258:24'
  Sodium Presulfate Cell: '21258:32'
  Calcium Carbonate Cell: '21258:33'
  Glyceryl Cell: '21258:34'
  Nitro-Coalfuel Cell: '21258:35'
  Sulfur Cell: '21258:36'
  Sodium Sulfide Cell: '21258:37'
  Nitrogen Dioxide Cell: '21258:38'
  Nitrocarbon Cell: '21258:39'
  Sulfuric Acid Cell: '21258:40'
  Energy Flow Circuit: '21259'
  Data Control Circuit: '21259:1'
  Superconductor: '30475:1'
  Data Storage Circuit: '21259:3'
  Computer Monitor: '21259:4'
  Conveyor Module: '21259:5'
  BrainTech Aerospace Advanced Reinforced Duct Tape FAL-84: '21259:16'
  Diamond Sawblade: '21259:17'
  Diamond Grinder: '21259:18'
  Kanthal Heating Coil: '21259:19'
  Nichrome Heating Coil: '21259:20'
  Cupronickel Heating Coil: '21259:21'
  Machine Parts: '21259:22'
  Wolframium Grinder: '21259:23'
  Advanced Circuit Parts: '21259:24'
  Aluminium Machine Hull: '21259:32'
  Bronze Machine Hull: '21259:33'
  Brass Machine Hull: '21259:34'
  Stee lMachine Hull: '21259:35'
  Titanium Machine Hull: '21259:36'
  Basic Circiut Board: '21259:48'
  Advanced Circuit Board: '21259:49'
  Elite Circuit Board: '21259:50'
  Tiny Pile of Ender Pearl Dust: '21260'
  Tiny Pile of Ender Eye Dust: '21260:1'
  Tiny Pile of Lazurite Dust: '21260:2'
  Tiny Pile of Pyrite Dust: '21260:3'
  Tiny Pile of Calcite Dust: '21260:4'
  Tiny Pile of Sodalite Dust: '21260:5'
  Tiny Pile of Netherrack Dust: '21260:6'
  Tiny Pile of Flint Dust: '21260:7'
  Tiny Pile of Sulfur Dust: '21260:8'
  Tiny Pile of Saltpeter Dust: '21260:9'
  Tiny Pile of Endstone Dust: '21260:10'
  Tiny Pile of Cinnabar Dust: '21260:11'
  Tiny Pile of Manganese Dust: '21260:12'
  Tiny Pile of Magnesium Dust: '21260:13'
  Tiny Pile of Sphalerite Dust: '21260:14'
  Tiny Pile of Wood Dust: '21260:15'
  Tiny Pile of Uranium Dust: '21260:16'
  Tiny Pile of Bauxite Dust: '21260:17'
  Tiny Pile of Aluminium Dust: '21260:18'
  Tiny Pile of Titanium Dust: '21260:19'
  Tiny Pile of Chrome Dust: '21260:20'
  Tiny Pile of Electrum Dust: '21260:21'
  Tiny Pile of Tuingsten Dust: '21260:22'
  Tiny Pile of Lead Dust: '21260:23'
  Tiny Pile of Zinc Dust: '21260:24'
  Tiny Pile of Brass Dust: '21260:25'
  Tiny Pile of Steel Dust: '21260:26'
  Tiny Pile of Platinum Dust: '21260:27'
  Tiny Pile of Nickel Dust: '21260:28'
  Tiny Pile of Invar Dust: '21260:29'
  Tiny Pile of Osmium Dust: '21260:30'
  Tiny Pile of Ruby Dust: '21260:32'
  Tiny Pile of Sapphire Dust: '21260:33'
  Tiny Pile of Green Sapphir Dust: '21260:34'
  Tiny Pile of Emerald Dust: '21260:35'
  Tiny Pile of Diamond Dust: '21260:36'
  Tiny Pile of Olivine Dust: '21260:37'
  Tiny Pile of Galena Dust: '21260:44'
  Tiny Pile of Phosphorus Dust: '21260:45'
  Tiny Pile of Obsidian Dust: '21260:46'
  Tiny Pile of Charcoal Dust: '21260:47'
  Tiny Pile of Red Garnet Dust: '21260:54'
  Tiny Pile of Yellow Garnet Dust: '21260:55'
  Tiny Pile of Pyrope Dust: '21260:56'
  Tiny Pile of Almandine Dust: '21260:57'
  Tiny Pile of Spessartine Dust: '21260:58'
  Tiny Pile of Andradite Dust: '21260:59'
  Tiny Pile of Grossular Dust: 21260:60
  Tiny Pile of Uvarovite Dust: 21260:61
  Tiny Pile of Ashes: 21260:62
  Tiny Pile of Dark Ashes: 21260:63
  Tiny Pile of Redrock Dust: 21260:64
  Tiny Pile of Marble Dust: 21260:65
  Tiny Pile of Basalt Dust: 21260:66
  Tiny Pile of Thorium Dust: 21260:80
  Tiny Pile of Plutonium Dust: 21260:81
  Tiny Pile of Coal Dust: 21260:240
  Tiny Pile of Iron Dust: 21260:241
  Tiny Pile of Gold Dust: 21260:242
  Tiny Pile of Copper Dust: 21260:243
  Tiny Pile of Tin Dust: 21260:244
  Tiny Pile of Bronze Dust: 21260:245
  Tiny Pile of Silver Dust: 21260:246
  Tiny Pile of Clay Dust: 21260:247
  Tiny Pile of Gunpowder: 21260:248
  Tiny Pile of Redstone Dust: 21260:249
  Tiny Pile of Glowstone Dust: 21260:250
  Iridium Nugget: '21261:16'
  Aluminium Nugget: '21261:18'
  Titanium Nugget: '21261:19'
  Chrome Nugget: '21261:20'
  Electrum Nugget: '21261:21'
  Tungsten Nugget: '21261:22'
  Lead Nugget: '21261:23'
  Zinc Nugget: '21261:24'
  Brass Nugget: '21261:25'
  Platinum Nugget: '21261:27'
  Nickel Nugget: '21261:28'
  Invar Nugget: '21261:29'
  Osmium Nugget: '21261:30'
  Bronze Nugget: 21261:245
  Liquid Wolframium: '21269:4'
  Liquid Lithium: '21269:5'
  Liquid Silicon: '21269:7'
  Liquid Berylium: '21269:10'
  Liquid Calcium: '21269:11'
  Liquid Sodium: '21269:12'
  Liquid Chlorite: '21269:13'
  Liquid Potassium: '21269:14'
  Liquid Mercury: '21269:16'
  Liquid Nitro Diesel: '21269:22'
  Liquid Sodium Presulfate: '21269:32'
  Liquid Calcium Carbonate: '21269:33'
  Liquid Glyceryl: '21269:34'
  Liquid Nitro Coalfuel: '21269:35'
  Gaseous Hydrogen: '21270'
  Gaseous Deuterium: '21270:1'
  Gaseous Tritium: '21270:2'
  Gaseous Helium: '21270:3'
  Gaseous Helium-3: '21270:6'
  Gaseous Methane: '21270:9'
  Gaseous Nitrogen: '21270:15'
  Gaseous Nitrogen Dioxide: '21270:38'
  GregTech sensor Kit: '21273'
  Ultimate Cheat Armor: 21274:100
  Iron Mortar: '21286'
  Flint Mortar: '21287'
  Destructopack: '21289'
  60k Helium Coolant Cell: '21290'
  180k Helium Coolant Cell: '21291'
  360k Helium Coolant Cell: '21292'
  Lapotronic Energy Orb: 21293:100
  Cloaking Device: 21294:100
  Iron Jack Hammer: 21295:100
  Iridium Neutron Reflector: '21296'
  Steel Jack Hammer: 21297:100
  Diamond Jack HAmmer: 21298:100
  Data Orb: '21299'
  Light Helmet: 21300:100
  Lapotron Pack: 21301:100
  Rock Cutter: 21302:100
  Tesla Staff: 21303:100
  Thorium Cell: '21304'
  Double Thorium Cell: '21305'
  Quad Thorium Cell: '21306'
  Plutonium Cell: '21307'
  Double Plutonium Cell: '21308'
  Quad Plutonium Cell: '21309'
  Debug Scanner: '21311'
  Lithium-Battery: '21313:1'
  Lithium-Batpack: 21314:100
  60k NaK Coolantcell: '21316'
  180k NaK Coolantcell: '21317'
  360k NaK Coolantcell: '21318'
  Ender Pearl Dust: '21796'
  Ender Eye Dust: '21796:1'
  Lazurite Dust: '21796:2'
  Pyrite Dust: '21796:3'
  Calcite Dust: '21796:4'
  Sodalite Dust: '21796:5'
  Netherrack Dust: '21796:6'
  Flint Dust: '21796:7'
  Sulfur Dust: '21796:8'
  Saltpeter Dust: '21796:9'
  Endstone Dust: '21796:10'
  Cinnabar Dust: '21796:11'
  Manganese Dust: '21796:12'
  Magnesium Dust: '21796:13'
  Sphalerite Dust: '21796:14'
  Wood Dust: '21796:15'
  Uranium Dust: '21796:16'
  Bauxite Dust: '21796:17'
  Aluminium Dust: '21796:18'
  Titanium Dust: '21796:19'
  Chrome Dust: '21796:20'
  Electrum Dust: '21796:21'
  Tuingsten Dust: '21796:22'
  Lead Dust: '21796:23'
  Zinc Dust: '21796:24'
  Brass Dust: '21796:25'
  Steel Dust: '21796:26'
  Platinum Dust: '21796:27'
  Nickel Dust: '21796:28'
  Invar Dust: '21796:29'
  Osmium Dust: '21796:30'
  Ruby Dust: '21796:32'
  Sapphire Dust: '21796:33'
  Green Sapphir Dust: '21796:34'
  Emerald Dust: '21796:35'
  Diamond Dust: '21796:36'
  Olivine Dust: '21796:37'
  Galena Dust: '21796:44'
  Phosphorus Dust: '21796:45'
  Red Garnet Dust: '21796:54'
  Yellow Garnet Dust: '21796:55'
  Pyrope Dust: '21796:56'
  Almandine Dust: '21796:57'
  Spessartine Dust: '21796:58'
  Andradite Dust: 21796:60
  Uvarovite Dust: 21796:61
  Ashes: 21796:62
  Dark Ashes: 21796:63
  Redrock Dust: 21796:64
  Marble Dust: 21796:65
  Basalt Dust: 21796:66
  Thorium Dust: 21796:80
  Plutonium Dust: 21796:81
  Coal Dust: 21796:240
  Iron Dust: 21796:241
  Gold Dust: 21796:242
  Copper Dust: 21796:243
  Tin Dust: 21796:244
  Bronze Dust: 21796:245
  Silver Dust: 21796:246
  Clay Dust: 21796:247
  Energy Link Card (Blank): '22752'
  Charging Bench Toolkit: '22755'
  LV Charging Bench Components: '22755:1'
  MV Charging Bench Components: '22755:2'
  HV Charging Bench Components: '22755:3'
  Iron to Gold Chest Upgrade: '29757'
  Gold to Diamond Chest Upgrade: '29758'
  Copper to Silver Chest Upgrade: '29759'
  Silver to Gold Chest Upgrade: '29760'
  Copper to Iron Chest Upgrade: '29761'
  Diamond to Crystal: '29762'
  Normal chest to Iron Chest Upgrade: '29763'
  Normal chest to Copper Chest Upgrade: '29764'
  refined Iron dust: '30031'
  Nightvision Goggles: 30078:100
  Compressed Air Cell: '30079'
  Hazmat Suit Leggings: '30080'
  Hazmat Suit: '30081'
  Scuba Helmet: '30082'
  LZH-Condensator: '30083'
  Dense Copper Plate: '30084'
  RSH-Condensator: '30085'
  Thick Neutron Reflector: '30086'
  Neutron Reflector: '30087'
  Heating Cell: '30088'
  Advanced Heat Vent: '30089'
  Component Heat Vent: '30090'
  Overclocked Heat Vent: '30091'
  Reactor Heat Vent: '30092'
  Heat Vent: '30093'
  Advanced Heat Exchanger: '30094'
  Component Heat Exchanger: '30095'
  Reactor Heat Exchanger: '30096'
  Containment Reactor Plating: '30097'
  Heat-Capacity Reactor Plating: '30098'
  60k Coolant Cell: '30099'
  30k Coolant Cell: '30100'
  Quad Uranium Cell: '30101'
  Dual Uranium Cell: '30102'
  Coolant: '30103'
  Debug Item: '30104'
  Weed-EX: '30105'
  Grin Powder: '30106'
  Zero: '30107'
  Empty Booze Barrel: '30108'
  Hops: '30109'
  Cold Coffee: '30110'
  Dark Coffee: '30110:1'
  Coffee: '30110:2'
  Stone Mug: '30111'
  Coffee Powder: '30112'
  Coffee Beans: '30113'
  Terra Wart: '30114'
  Static Boots: '30115'
  Solar Helmet: '30116'
  Tool Box: '30117'
  TFBP - Mushroom: '30118'
  Electric Hoe: '30119:27'
  Hydration Cell: '30120'
  Cropnalyzer: '30122'
  Electric Treetap: 30124:100
  Overclocker Upgrade: '30125'
  Transformer Upgrade: '30125:1'
  Energy Storage Upgrade: '30125:2'
  Seeds aller Art: '30126'
  Lappack: '30127:27'
  CF Backpack: '30129'
  CF Sprayer: '30131'
  CF Pellet: '30132'
  Frequency Transmitter: '30134'
  Industrial Diamond: '30135'
  Coal Chunk: '30136'
  Compressed Coal Ball: '30137'
  Coal Ball: '30138'
  Scrap Box: '30139'
  Electric Wrench: '30140:27'
  TFBP - Flatification: '30141'
  TFBP - Desertification: '30142'
  TFBP - Chilling: '30143'
  TFBP - Irrigation: '30144'
  TFBP - Cultivation: '30145'
  TFBP - Empty: '30146'
  Iridium Plate: '30147'
  Nano Saber: '30149:1'
  Carbon Plate: '30150'
  Raw Carbon Mesh: '30151'
  Raw Carbon Fibre: '30152'
  Insulation Cutter: '30153'
  Painter Bone Meal: '30154'
  Painter Orange Dye: '30155'
  Painter Magenta Dye: '30156'
  Painter Light Blue Dye: '30157'
  Painter Dandelion Yellow: '30158'
  Painter Light Gray Dye: '30162'
  Painter Cyan Dye: '30163'
  Painter Purple Dye: '30164'
  Painter Lapis Lazuli: '30165'
  Painter Cocoa Beans: '30166'
  Painter Cactus Green: '30167'
  Painter Rose Red: '30168'
  Painter Ink Sac: '30169'
  Painter: '30170'
  QuantumSuit Boots: '30171:27'
  QuantumSuit Leggings: '30172:27'
  QuantumSuit Bodyarmor: '30173:27'
  QuantumSuit Helmet: '30174:27'
  NanoSuit Boots: '30175:27'
  NanoSuit Leggings: '30176:27'
  NanoSuit Bodyarmor: '30177:27'
  NanoSuit Helmet: '30178:1'
  NanoSuit HElmet: '30178:27'
  Composite Vest: '30179'
  BatPack: '30180:27'
  Electrolyzed Water Cell: '30181'
  EU-Reader: '30182'
  Copper Cable: '30184'
  Unisulated Copper Cable: '30184:1'
  Gold Cable: '30184:2'
  Insulated Gold Cable: '30184:3'
    ' Gold Cable': '30184:4'
    ' HV Cable': '30184:7'
  HV Cable: '30184:5'
  Insulated HV Cable: '30184:6'
    ' HV Cable': '30184:8'
  Glass Fibre Cable: '30184:9'
  Ultra-Low-Current Cable: '30184:10'
  EU-Detector Cable: '30184:11'
  EU-Splitter Cable: '30184:12'
  Reinforced Door: '30185'
  Industrial Credit: '30186'
  Advanced Alloy: '30187'
  UU-Matter: '30188'
  Scrap: '30189'
  Advanced Circuit: '30190'
  Electronic Circuit: '30191'
  Bronze Boots: '30192'
  Bronze Legs: '30193'
  Bronze Chestplate: '30194'
  Bronze Helmet: '30195'
  Bronze Hoe: '30196'
  Bronze Shovel: '30197'
  Bronze Sword: '30198'
  Bronze Axe: '30199'
  Bronze Pickaxe: '30200'
  Near-deplated Uranium Cell: '30201'
  Re-Enriched Uranium Cell: '30202'
  Depleted Isotope Cell: '30203'
  Heat Exchanger: '30204'
  Reactor PLating: '30205'
  10k Coolant Cell: '30206'
  Uranium Cell: '30207'
  Mining Laser: '30208:27'
  Electric Jetpack: '30209:27'
  Jetpack: '30210:1'
  Rubber Boots: '30211'
  Treetrap: '30212'
  Dynamite-O-Mote: '30213'
  Sticky Dynamite: '30214'
  Sticky Resin: '30217'
  Water Cell: '30218'
  OV Scanner: '30219:27'
  OD Scanner: '30220:27'
  (Filled) Tin Can: '30221'
  Tin Can: '30222'
  Compressed Plants: '30223'
  Plantball: '30224'
  Hydrated Coal Dust: '30226'
  Biofuel Cell: '30227'
  Coalfuel Cell: '30228'
  Bio Cell: '30229'
  (Empty) Fuel Can: '30231'
  Filled Fuel Can: '30232'
  Chainsaw: '30233:27'
  Diamond Drill: '30234:27'
  Mining Drill: '30235:27'
  Lava Cell: '30236'
  Empty Cell: '30237'
  Single-Use Battery: '30238'
  RE-Battery: '30242:1'
  Lapotron Crystal: '30240:27'
  Energy Crystal: '30241:27'
  Refined Uranium: '30244'
  Mixed Metal Ingot: '30245'
  Bronze: '30246'
  Tin: '30247'
  Copper: '30248'
  Refined Iron: '30249'
  Small Pile of Iron Dust: '30250'
  GraviChestPlate: '30473:27'
  Ultimate Lappack: '30474:27'
  Superconductor Cover: '30475'
  Cooling Ore: '30475:2'
  Gravitation Engine: '30475:3'
  Magnetron: '30475:4'
  Varja Core: '30475:5'
  Ultimate Solar Helmet: '30476:27'
  Vajra: '30477:27'
  Advanced Diamond Drill: '30478:27'
  Advanced Chainsaw: '30479:27'
  Advanced Lappack: '30480:27'
  Thermometer: '31256'
  Digital Thermometer: 31257:101
  Remote Sensor Kit: '31258'
  Reactor Sensor Location Card: '31259'
  Range Upgrade: '31260'
  Color Upgrade: '31260:1'
  Time Card: '31261'
  Energy Sensor Kit: '31262'
  Energy Sensor Location Card: '31263'
  Energy Array Location Card: '31264'
  Counter Sensor Kit: '31265'
  Liquid Sensor Kit: '31265:1'
  Counter Sensor Location Card: '31266'
  Liquid Sensor Location Card: '31266:1'
  Text Card: '31267'
  Bronze Ingot: '31991'
  Apatite: '31994'
  Compost: '31996'
  Coal Engine: '31997'
  Solar Engine: '31997:1'
  Side Chests: '31997:2'
  Top Chest: '31997:3'
  Front Chest: '31997:4'
  Internal Storage: '31997:5'
  Extracting Chests: '31997:6'
  Torch Placer: '31997:7'
  Basic Drill: '31997:8'
  Galgadorian Drill: '31997:9'
  Railer: '31997:10'
  Large Railer: '31997:11'
  Bridge Builder: '31997:12'
  Track Remover: '31997:13'
  Farmer: '31997:14'
  Wood Cutter: '31997:15'
  Hydrator: '31997:16'
  Large Hydrator: '31997:17'
  Height Controller: '31997:19'
  Liquid Sensors: '31997:20'
  'Entity Etector: Animal': '31997:21'
  'Entity Detector: Player': '31997:22'
  'Entity Detector: Villager': '31997:23'
  'Entity Detector: Monster': '31997:24'
  Seat: '31997:25'
  Brake Handle: '31997:26'
  Advanced Control System: '31997:27'
  Shooter: '31997:28'
  Advanced Shooter: '31997:29'
  Cleaning Machine: '31997:30'
  Dynamite Carrier: '31997:31'
  Divine Shield: '31997:32'
  Melter: '31997:33'
  Extreme Melter: '31997:34'
  Invisibility Core: '31997:36'
  Wooden Hull: '31997:37'
  Standard Hull: '31997:38'
  Reinforced Hull: '31997:39'
  Note Sequencer: '31997:40'
  Colorizer: '31997:41'
  Iron Drill: '31997:42'
  Hardened Drill: '31997:43'
  Tiny Coal Engine: '31997:44'
  Basic Solar Engine: '31997:45'
  Chunk Loader: '31997:49'
  'Projectile: Potion': '31997:51'
  'Projectile: Egg': '31997:53'
  Compact Solar Engine: '31997:56'
  Cage: '31997:57'
  'Crop: Nether Wart': '31997:58'
  Firework display: '31997:59'
  Creative Engine: 31997:61
  Mechinical Pig: 31997:62
  Wooden Wheels: '31998'
  Iron Wheels: '31998:1'
  Red Pigment: '31998:2'
  Green Pigment: '31998:3'
  Blue Pigment: '31998:4'
  Glass o Magic: '31998:5'
  Small Water Container: '31998:7'
  Large Water Container: '31998:8'
  Simple PCB: '31998:9'
  Graphical Interface: '31998:10'
  Raw Handle: '31998:11'
  Refined Handle: '31998:12'
  Speed Handle: '31998:13'
  Wheel: '31998:14'
  Saw Blade: '31998:15'
  Advanced PCB: '31998:16'
  Wood Cutting Core: '31998:17'
  Raw Hardener: '31998:18'
  Refined Hardener: '31998:19'
  Hardened Mesh: '31998:20'
  Stablilized Metal: '31998:21'
  Reinforced Metal: '31998:22'
  Reinforced Wheels: '31998:23'
  Pipe: '31998:24'
  Shooting Station: '31998:25'
  Entity Scanner: '31998:26'
  Entity Analyzer: '31998:27'
  Empty Disk: '31998:28'
  Tri-torch: '31998:29'
  Chest Pane: '31998:30'
  Large Chest Pane: '31998:31'
  Huge Chest Pane: '31998:32'
  Chest Lock: '31998:33'
  Iron Pane: '31998:34'
  Large Iron Pane: '31998:35'
  Huge Iron Pane: '31998:36'
  Dynamic Pane: '31998:37'
  Large Dynamic Pane: '31998:38'
  Huge Dynamic Pane: '31998:39'
  Cleaning Fan: '31998:40'
  Cleaning Core: '31998:41'
  Cleaning Tube: '31998:42'
  Fuse: '31998:43'
  Eye of Galgador: '31998:45'
  Lump of Galgador: '31998:46'
  Galgadorian Metal: '31998:47'
  Large Lump of Galgador: '31998:48'
  Enhanced Galgadorian Metal: '31998:49'
  Advanced Solar Panel: '31998:58'
  Blank Upgrade: '31998:59'
  Modular cart: '31999'