Special-Agent (EN/Crime)
Categories: Items and weapons | Money | Shops | Apartments and plots | Crime rate | Escape routes | Crime Police Department | Factions | Crime Team | Supporter
Languages: German | English
Main facts
The Special-Agent is a cop, who was elected by the players. He has a better equipment and can use the the team-shop at the police-department, but he has the same kick and mute permissions like the other cops.
A cops can only become a special-agent if the players elect him. For that the head-cop or the chief starts an elecetion. From the beginning to the end of the month the players can vote for their favourite cops. The winning cop is the special-agent during the next month, but he can't become the special-agent during the following month.
Important commands for the special-agent-voting
/copvote listcop - List all cops you can vote for.
/copvote vote [cop-name] - Vote for a cop.
/copvote result - Show the result.
- 1 agent-helmet
- 1 agent-chestplate
- 1 agent-leggings
- 1 agent-boots
- 1 diamond sword
- 1 iron sword
- 1 iron sword (sharpness I)
- 1 SMG
- 1 rocketlauncher
- 6 fire charges
- 1 crossbow
- 163 ammo
- 1 smokegrenade
- 1 ender pearl
- 1 TNT
- 1 minecart
Crime Police Department: Cops | Cop-Ranks | Special-Agent | Police Department | Prison | Hall of Cops