Apartments and plots (Crime)
Kategorien: Items und Waffen | Geldquellen | Shopliste | Wohnungen und Grundstücke | Crime Rate | Fluchtwege | Crime Police Department | Fraktionen | Crime Team | Supporter
Maps: Map 1 | Map 2
Sprachen: Deutsch | Englisch
There are many different apartments, plots where you can build you own house and you can buy own villa.
Which are the different types of aparments and plots?
- Storage
- Apartment
- Slum
- House
- Villa
What are the differences between the this types ?
In a storage you can store your items. They are very cheap and perfect if you are new on the server.
drugs can't be planted here and you can't upgrade a storage.
price: 5$ to buy it, then 3$ each day.
In your apartment you can build whatever you want, but you are not allowed to modify the ground and the walls.
drugs can't be planted here and you can't upgrade a storage.
price: very different - 200$ to XXX$. It Depends on the size and the location.
Slums are plots where you can build your own house and customize it as you wish.
A special feature is, that you can plant drugs.
You can upgrade your slum, if you want to have a bigger one (1. uprade 3 blocks higher, 2. upgrade 4 blocks deeper)
price: 15 000$ (1. upgrade: 9000$, 2. upgrade: 12000$)
best usage: drugs
A apartment is too small for you? And a slum too unattractive? Then a house is perfect for you.
You can't plant drugs here, but there is one upgrate for houses.
price: 90 000$ - 120 000$ Dollar (1. upgrade: )
best usage: faction-headquarter and meeting place
Villas are the most expensive plots on the server. A very big advantage is the fact, that you can plant drugs here, but you are not allowed to
modify the walls here.
price: Ca. 200 000$
best usage: drugs/faction-headquarter and meeting point
Important commands
/buylot: Buy a apartment.
/upgradelot: Upgrade a aparment or plots (if possible)
/selllot: Sell a apartment
/selllot true: Confirm the selling
/setlotpassword [Passwort]: Set a password to the apartment
/lotpassword [Passwort]: Input the password here to enter all apartment, which are using this password.