Map (Crime)
Kategorien: Items und Waffen | Geldquellen | Shopliste | Wohnungen und Grundstücke | Crime Rate | Fluchtwege | Crime Police Department | Fraktionen | Crime Team | Supporter
Maps: Map 1 | Map 2
Sprachen: Deutsch | Englisch
general information
The map is for orientation on the server. Especially for new players it is hard to find through the streets of the city.
If you hold a map in your hand it will open. You will see several points. These have the following explanations:
- green arrow (at crime-resourcepack) = own position
- red point = player with bounty
- blue point = positions of cops (Will be shown if cop detector is used)
shop / reference source
The snack-shop at the spawn sells a map for 1$. To buy a map you have to use at the buying-command /shop buy [Item] for item the item-ID 358 or the item-name map. You can get a map with the command /kit map. With this command you can get this useful orientation assistance every few minutes.
Items: Angel | Anti Cop Radar | Cop Detektor | Schloss | Buch | Dietrich | Enderperle | Brechstange | Minecart | Rauchgranate | Spitzhacken | TNT | Schere | Drogen | Kompass | Karte | Uhr | Nametag
Waffen: Schwerter | Pistole | SMG | MG | Desert Eagle | Sniper | Klebrige Granate | Granate | Laser Gun | Raketenwerfer | Armbrust | Munition | Wurftrank (Gift) | Wurftrank (Schaden) | Flammenwerfer