Crime-Server (EN)

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This site is under construction and could maybe not include any information. Also some sites could still be writen in german.
We are including and translating all the informations as soon as possible.

Current servers: Kreativ-Server | Crime-Server | Brautec-Server | Event-Server
Previous server: Roleplay-Server | Cubeworld-Server

The Crime-Server of the Brauhaus der Hoffnung is a modified Roleplay-Server, which is based on a Cops vs. Robbers-System. The Cops of the server hunt the Bad-Guys, so the robbers, murders und drug dealers. So you can experience epic street fights and pursuits and can be a part of it.

The Crime-Server can offer you:

  • The unique Cops vs. Robbers-System, which is running by our self writen plugins.
  • Du kannst dich in “ Fraktionen” mit anderen Spielern verbünden und (versuchen,) die Weltherrschafft an dich zu reißen – zusammen ist man stärker!
  • An economy-sytsem with gold nuggets and coal – You can deposit or withdraw your money at the Bank and buy plots like Wohnungen, Lagern und Slums.
  • BC Shop: Here you can buy stuff with another curency than the Crime Dollar.
  • You can farm Drugs in your own house/villa. You can use the drugs to escape from the police.
  • Selbst entwickelte Waffen, die es im “normalen” Minecraft nicht gibt (bspw. Maschinengewehr, Sniper, ...)
  • In ihrer Funktion veränderte Items (bspw. Zucker ist Drogenpulver, Blazerods werden zum Verschließen von Truhen verwendet, ...)
  • Ein hilfsbereites und kompetentes Team, das Dir immer offen ist.
  • Ein ganz neues InGame-Tutorial, das Dir beim Einstieg in das Spiel hilft, und dir detailliert alle Funktionen und Spielfeatures des Servers erklärt.

The logo of the Crime-Server
Map: coming soon...
  • Cops vs. Robbers
  • Special Items
  • Factions
  • PvP
  • Apartments

Categories: Items and weapons | Money | Shops | Apartments and plots | Crime rate | Escape routes | Crime Police Department | Factions | Crime Team | Supporter
Languages: German | English